Andrei Zelevinsky

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Andrei Zelevinsky, Oberwolfach 2010

Andrei Vladlenovich Zelevinsky ( Russian Андрей Владленович Зелевинский / Andrei Wladlenowitsch Selewinski * thirtieth January 1953 ; † 10. April 2013 ) was a Russian-American mathematician who deals with representation theory , algebraic geometry , algebraic combinatorics (and combinatorics of polyhedra) , Quantum groups and hypergeometric functions .


Zelevinsky attended Mathematical School No. 2 in Moscow and studied mathematics at Lomonosov University , where he graduated in 1974 and received his doctorate in 1978. In Moscow he belonged to the circle around Israel Gelfand , with whom he later published a book (on which they had been working since 1984). As a Jew, he had difficulties getting a job. From 1977 to 1985 he conducted research at the Institute for Geosciences of the Soviet Academy of Sciences and then until 1990 at the Scientific Council for Cybernetics of the Academy of Sciences. 1980 to 1982 he taught at the illegal Jewish university of Bella Subbotovskaya at the Oil and Gas Institute (Kerosinska) . In 1990/91 he was visiting professor at Cornell University and from 1991 associate professor.

From 1993 he was a professor at Northeastern University .

Among other things, he was visiting scholar at the Mittag-Leffler Institute , Bielefeld University, Leiden University, MIT , Warwick University, Isaac Newton Institute , Erwin Schrödinger Institute for Mathematical Physics in Vienna, and the Fourier Institute in Grenoble, at the MSRI (Eisenbud Professur), at the University of Basel and at the Hausdorff Center of the University of Bonn.

The Bernstein-Zelevinsky classification of the representation of p-adic groups is named after him and Joseph Bernstein .

With Sergey Fomin (* 1958) he introduced cluster algebras in 2002 .

In 1998 he was invited speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in Berlin (multisegment duality, canonical basis and total positivity) . He was a fellow of the American Mathematical Society . For 2018 he received the Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research from the American Mathematical Society (posthumously).


  • Representations of Finite Classical Groups. A Hopf Algebra Approach. Lecturenotes in Mathematics, Volume 869, Springer Verlag 1981
  • With Israel Gelfand , Michail Michailowitsch Kapranow : Discriminants, Resultants and Multidimensional Determinants. Birkhäuser 1994
  • What is a cluster algebra? Notices AMS, Volume 54, 2007, Issue 1, PDF .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. death notice in Avzels journal .
  2. ^ Obituary by Zelevinsky on Gelfand, Russian, 2009.
  3. His memories of it can be found in Mikhail Shifman (ed.): You failed your Math-test, comrade Einstein. 2005
  4. Bernstein, Zelevinsky: Representations of the group GL (n, F), where F is a local non-Archimedean field. Russian Mathematical Surveys, Volume 31, 1976, pp. 5-70.
  5. Bernstein, Zelevinsky: Induced representations of reductive p-adic groups. Annales Ecole Normale Superieure, Volume 10, 1977, pp. 441-472, Part 2 by Zelevinsky, ibid., Volume 13, 1980, pp. 165-210.
  6. ^ Fomin, Zelevinsky: Cluster algebras. , Part 1, Journal of the American Mathematical Society, Vol. 15, 2002, pp. 497-529; Part 2, Inventiones Mathematicae, Volume 154, 2003, pp. 63-121; Part 3, Duke Mathematical Journal, Volume 126, 2005, pp. 1-52; Part 4, Compositio Mathematicae, Volume 143, 2007, pp. 112-164.