Leroy P. Steele Prize

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The Leroy P. Steele Prize is awarded from the legacy of Leroy P. Steele by the American Mathematical Society since 1970 in honor of George David Birkhoff , William Fogg Osgood and William Caspar Graustein . From 1970 to 1976 the publication of an outstanding mathematical work received an award. Since 1979, the annually awarded prizes can be assigned to categories that were officially named in 1993:

  • Leroy P. Steele Prize for Seminal Contribution to Research
  • Leroy P. Steele Prize for Lifetime Achievement
  • Leroy P. Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition

Prize winner until 1978

year Award winners
1970 Solomon Lefschetz
1971 James B. Carrell , Jean Dieudonné and Phillip Griffiths
1972 Edward B. Curtis , William John Ellison , Lawrence E. Payne, and Dana Scott
1973 not awarded
1974 not awarded
1975 Lipman Bers , Martin Davis , H. Blaine Lawson , George Mackey, and Joseph L. Taylor
1976 not awarded
1977 not awarded
1978 not awarded

Award winner since 1979

year Seminal Contribution to Research Lifetime Achievement Mathematical exposure
1979 Joseph Kohn and Hans Lewy Salomon Bochner and Antoni Zygmund Robin Hartshorne
1980 Gerhard Hochschild André Weil Harold Edwards
1981 Eberhard Hopf Oscar Zariski Nelson Dunford and Jacob T. Schwartz
1982 John Willard Milnor Fritz John Tsit Yuen Lam
1983 Stephen Cole Kleene Shiing-Shen Chern Paul Halmos
1984 Lennart Carleson Joseph L. Doob Elias stone
1985 Robert Steinberg Hassler Whitney Michael Spivak
1986 Rudolf Kálmán Saunders Mac Lane Donald Ervin Knuth
1987 Herbert Federer and Wendell Fleming Samuel Eilenberg Martin Gardner
1988 Gian-Carlo Rota Deane Montgomery Sigurdur Helgason
1989 Alberto Calderón Irving Kaplansky Daniel Gorenstein
1990 Bertram Kostant Raoul Bott Robert Richtmyer
1991 Eugenio Calabi Armand Borel François Treves
1992 James Ember Peter Lax Jacques Dixmier
1993 George Mostow Eugene Dynkin Walter Rudin
1994 Louis de Branges de Bourcia Louis Nirenberg Ingrid Daubechies
1995 Edward Nelson John T. Tate Jean-Pierre Serre
1996 Daniel Stroock and SR Srinivasa Varadhan Gorō Shimura Bruce Berndt and William Fulton
1997 Mikhail Leonidowitsch Gromov Ralph Phillips Anthony W. Knapp
1998 Herbert Wilf and Doron Zeilberger Nathan Jacobson Joseph Silverman
1999 Michael Crandall and John Forbes Nash Jr. Richard Kadison Serge Lang
2000 Barry Mazur Isadore M. Singer John Horton Conway
2001 Leslie Greengard and Vladimir Rochlin Harry Kesten Richard P. Stanley
2002 Mark Goresky and Robert MacPherson Michael Artin and Elias Stein Yitzhak Katznelson
2003 Ronald Jensen and Michael D. Morley Ronald Graham and Victor Guillemin John Garnett
2004 Lawrence C. Evans and Nikolai Vladimirovich Krylov Cathleen Synge Morawetz John Willard Milnor
2005 Robert Langlands Israel Moissejewitsch Gelfand Branko Grünbaum
2006 Clifford Gardner , John Greene , Martin Kruskal and Robert Miura Frederick Gehring and Dennis Sullivan Lars Hörmander
2007 Karen Uhlenbeck Henry McKean David Bryant Mumford
2008 Endre Szemerédi George Lusztig Neil Trudinger
2009 Richard S. Hamilton Luis Caffarelli Ian Macdonald
2010 Robert Griess William Fulton David Eisenbud
2011 Ingrid Daubechies John Willard Milnor Henryk Iwaniec
2012 William Thurston Ivo Babuška Michael Aschbacher , Richard Lyons , Stephen D. Smith and Ronald Solomon
2013 Saharon Shelah Yakov Sinai John Guckenheimer and Philip Holmes
2014 Luis Caffarelli , Robert Kohn and Louis Nirenberg Phillip A. Griffiths Dmitri Burago , Yuri Burago and Sergei Ivanov
2015 Rostislav Grigorchuk Victor Kac Robert Lazarsfeld
2016 Andrew J. Majda Barry Simon David A. Cox , John Little, and Donal O'Shea
2017 Leon Simon James G. Arthur Dusa McDuff and Dietmar Salamon
2018 Sergey Fomin and Andrei Zelevinsky Jean Bourgain Martin Aigner and Günter M. Ziegler
2019 Haruzo Hida Jeff Cheeger Philippe Flajolet (posthumously) and Robert Sedgewick
2020 Craig Tracy and Harold Widom Karen Uhlenbeck Martin R. Bridson and André Haefliger
year Seminal Contribution to Research Lifetime Achievement Mathematical exposure


  • Steele Prizes. In: Everett Pitcher: A History of the Second Fifty Years. American Mathematical Society, 1939-1988. American Mathematical Society, Providence 1988, ISBN 0-8218-0125-2 , pp. 56-62 ( digitized version )

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