Martin Aigner

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Martin Aigner (2004)

Martin Aigner (born February 28, 1942 in Linz ) is an Austrian mathematician .

Aigner passed the Matura in his hometown Linz. After studying mathematics with the minor subjects physics and philosophy at the University of Vienna , where he received his doctorate in 1965, he was a private lecturer at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen (habilitation 1972) and has been professor of mathematics with a focus on discrete mathematics at the Free University since 1973 Berlin .

Aigner is a full member of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and a corresponding member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences .

He is the author of various books on discrete mathematics and, together with Günter M. Ziegler, has written The Book of Proofs , originally in English under the title Proofs from the Book, in which, suggested by Paul Erdős , who jokingly owned such an ideal book God said, various evidences that are distinguished by elegance have been collected, especially on combinatorics. For this book he and Günter M. Ziegler received the Leroy P. Steele Prize 2018 for Mathematical Exposition from the American Mathematical Society.

Aigner has been a member of the KaV Norica Vienna Catholic student association since 1960 .


Web links


  1. Martin Aigner: The pure elegance of mathematics . In: Counterwords. 12th issue, autumn 2003
  2. 2018 Steele Prize for Mathematical Exposition