Andrew Haydon Alcock

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Andrew Haydon Alcock (back), together with Peter Wesley-Smith (left) and Muchtar Pakpahan

Andrew Haydon Alcock (born January 27, 1943 ) is an Australian East Timor activist who campaigned against the Indonesian occupation of the country between 1975 and 1999.


Andrew was a member of the Campaign for Independence of East Timor CIET in Adelaide from 1975 to 2002 . He has served as an information officer and has written press releases and articles, gave interviews and made public speeches. He bought two radios for the resistance transmitter, which he paid for himself. In 1979, Alcock organized an international conference at the University of Adelaide on East Timor, Australia and the region.

In 1992 Alcock took part in the Peace Mission in Timor , during which independence and peace activists tried to take the Lusitânia Expresso ferry to East Timor to protest against the Santa Cruz massacre .

In 1996 Alcock took part in the Asia Pacific Conference on East Timor in Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia . All participants in the conference were arrested and deported, including three bishops and the two East Timorese Abel Guterres and Joaquim da Fonseca . In 2002 Alcock helped found the Associação Australiana de Amizade com Timor-Leste , a state group that supports projects in the now independent East Timor.


In 2014 Alcock received the Medal des Ordem de Timor-Leste from East Timor’s President Taur Matan Ruak .

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Tempo Semanal Sabadu: Estado TL condecorados Membros da Solidaridade no dia 30 de Agosto de 2014 , August 30, 2014 , accessed on August 30, 2014 on TIMOR CONDECORA .
  2. Jornal da República: Decreto do Presidente da República n ° 25/2014 , August 27, 2014 , accessed on November 13, 2019.