Anna Bechler

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Anna Luise Bechler (born July 23, 1861 in Stuttgart ; † January 8, 1941 ) was a German writer .


Bechler was born in Stuttgart as the daughter of the geologist and surveying engineer Gustav R. Bechler. The family moved to the United States in 1883 . The father worked in the US civil service. Since his field of work changed frequently, the family moved regularly. Bechler lived in Washington, DC , Philadelphia and New York City , among others . In New York, Bechler began to write, including short stories and sketches that appeared in the New York state newspaper .

Bechler's father died in 1893. A short time later the family moved back to Germany. Bechler initially lived in Dresden at Fürstenstrasse 87 and came to Ludwigsburg around 1905 . She died in 1941.

Since her time in Germany, Bechler's novels and stories have appeared in various magazines, such as Im Forsthaus and Rosen in the Solinger Zeitung and Entfesselt , Mariechens Ferien , Zwei Schwestern , Loreley and Santa Claus in the Deutsche Wacht. The Stuttgarter Tagblatt printed her story Des Singer's Last Wish . From 1902, smaller works by Bechler appeared in print. She was in correspondence with Ferdinand Graner and Otto Güntter , among others .


  • Stories from home. Pierson, Dresden / Leipzig 1902.
  • In the Favorite Park. Novellas. Ledermann, Berlin 1906.
  • Poems by Anna Bechler. Aigner, Ludwigsburg 1915.
  • In the lighthouse at Mavasink. Novella. Aigner, Ludwigsburg 1915.
  • From old castles. Novellas. Aigner, Ludwigsburg 1916.


  • Bechler, Anna . In: Franz Brümmer : Lexicon of German poets and prose writers from the beginning of the 19th century to the present . Volume 1. Brockhaus, Leipzig 1913, p. 155.
  • Bechler, Anna . In: Elisabeth Friedrichs: The German-speaking women writers of the 18th and 19th centuries. A lexicon . Metzler, Stuttgart 1981, ISBN 3-476-00456-2 , (Repertories on the history of German literature 9), p. 18.
  • Bechler, Anna . In: Sophie Pataky (Hrsg.): Lexicon of German women of the pen . Volume 1. Verlag Carl Pataky, Berlin 1898, p. 44 f. ( Digitized version ).
  • Thomas Stierle: Anna Bechler (1861–1941) . In: Authors in the city and district of Ludwigsburg from the 18th to the 20th century . Stuttgart 2007, pp. 45-48