Anna Gröger

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Grave of Florian and Anna Gröger at the Annabichl cemetery in Klagenfurt

Anna Gröger (born March 18, 1867 in Brattersdorf ; † May 17, 1961 in Klagenfurt ) was a social democratic activist and politician ( SDAP or SPÖ).


Anna Gröger was born as Anna Bartel in Brattersdorf , Moravia in 1867 . Her partner Florian Gröger was a weaver from a humble background who was increasingly involved in the labor movement. The couple traveled a lot, in 1902 a son was born in Krumau , who initially stayed with foster parents. It was not until 1904 that the couple were professionally and financially secure enough to get married. In 1910, the two moved to Carinthia , where Florian Gröger rose quickly within the social democratic party. Anna Gröger was active in the party's women's movement and in 1910 became head of the newly founded free political women's organization under the title of chairwoman , and subsequently also chairwoman of the women's state agitation committee in Klagenfurt.

On November 11, 1918, Anna Gröger and her husband moved into the newly founded provisional state assembly , which later became the Carinthian state parliament . One MP from Villach had renounced his mandate in her favor. She was the only female MP there. Active and passive women's suffrage was only officially anchored in Austria with the proclamation of the Republic on November 12th. Since the provisional state assembly was not a directly elected body, but was only loosely based on the election results of the Reichsrat election in 1911 , and Carinthian politics had been organized largely independently of the events in Vienna, Anna Gröger was able to take office the day before. The newspaper Free Voices described their appearance in the state parliament with the following words:

“The first to appear in the hall, the auditorium of which was crowded, were the Social Democrats, all of them adorned with the party badge, the red carnation, including a woman, the first female representative in the country room, Ms. Anna Gröger, a slim, almost gaunt figure , with very gray hair, also the red carnation on the chest. "

- Free votes, November 13, 1918

Anna Gröger resigned from the state parliament in February 1920 and did not return there after the state elections in Carinthia in 1921 and the subsequent election of her husband as governor. However, she remained politically active as a member of the local council in Klagenfurt.

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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Willhelm Wadl: Studies on the social mobility of journeymen in the 19th century. Florian Gröger - From the wandering linen weaver to the mobile party functionary . In: Carinthia I . 178th year. Klagenfurt 1988, p. 343-345 ( ).
  2. ^ Assembly reports Carinthia . In: Arbeiterinnenzeitung . No. 16 . Vienna August 2, 1910, p. 7 ( ).
  3. ^ Provisional Carinthian Provincial Assembly . In: Free Voices . Klagenfurt November 13, 1918, p. 2 ( ).
  4. Anna Katharina Benedikt: The social democratic women's organizations in Carinthia from 1900 to 1918 using the example of the "free political women's organizations" and the Klagenfurt "local group of the Association of Tobacco Workers Austria . Master's thesis University of Vienna, Vienna 2011, p. 78 ( [PDF]).
  5. ^ The municipal council elections in Klagenfurt . In: Alpenländische Rundschau . February 14, 1931, p. 13 ( ).