Anne Ubersfeld

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Anne Ubersfeld (born June 18, 1918 in Besançon , † October 28, 2010 in Paris ) was a French Romance studies and theater scholar .

life and work

Anne Ubersfeld studied at the École normal supérieure , but was excluded in 1940 because of her Jewish descent. After her engagement in the Resistance , she passed the Agrégation in 1944 and taught. She completed her habilitation in 1972 with Pierre-Georges Castex with the font Le roi et le bouffon. Étude sur le théâtre de Hugo de 1830 à 1839 (Paris 1974, 2001) and taught at the University of Paris III . She was director of the local institute for theater studies (Institut d'Études Théâtrales, founded in 1959 by Raymond Lebègue and Jacques Scherer ).

At the Institut d'Études Théâtrales at the University of Paris III, a room bears her name.

Other works

Lire le théâtre

  • Lire le théâtre , Paris 1977 (several editions, most recently 1998)
    • Serbo-Croatian: Čitanje pozorišta, Belgrad 1982
    • Italian: Theatrikón. Leggere il teatro, Rome 1984, 1994
    • Spanish: Semiótica teatral, Madrid 1989, 1993, 1998
    • English: Reading Theater, 2 vols., Toronto 1999
    • Slovenian: Brati gledališče, Laibach 2002
    • Polish: Czytanie teatru, Warsaw 2002, 2007
    • Chinese, Beijing 2004
  • L'École du spectateur , Paris 1981, 1996 (Lire le théâtre 2)
    • Spanish: La escuela del espectador, Madrid 1996
    • Italian: Leggere lo spettacolo, Rome 2008, 2011
  • Le dialogue de théâtre , Paris 1996 (Lire le théâtre 3)
    • English: Theatrical dialogue, New York, Toronto 2002

Theater history

  • Paul Claudel . Autobiography et histoire. "Partage de midi" , Paris 1981, 1999
  • Paroles de Hugo , Paris 1985 (collective publication)
  • Le roman d '"Hernani" , Paris 1985
  • Vinaver dramaturge , Paris 1989
  • Le théâtre et la cité de Corneille à Kantor , Brussels 1991 (collective publication)
  • Théophile Gautier , Paris 1992
  • Le Drame romantique , Paris 1993
  • Antoine Vitez metteur en scène et poète , Paris 1994
  • Les termes clés de l'analyse du théâtre , Paris 1996
    • Spanish: Diccionario de términos claves del análisis teatral, Buenos Aires 2002
  • Antoine Vitez , Nathan, Paris 1998
  • Bernard-Marie Koltès , Paris 1999
  • Victor Hugo et le théâtre , Paris 2002
  • Paul Claudel. Poète du XX ° siècle , Arles 2005
  • Galions engloutis , ed. by Pierre Frantz, Isabelle Moindrot and Florence Naugrette, Rennes 2011 (collective publication, forewords by Michel Vinaver and Jean-Marie Villégier)

Editorial activities (selection)

  • (with Roland Desné) Manuel d'histoire littéraire de la France , ed. by Pierre Abraham and Roland Desné, Volume 2. 1600-1715 , Paris 1966, 1975
    • (with Roland Desné) Histoire littéraire de la France , ed. by Pierre Abraham and Roland Desné, volumes 3 and 4, 1600-1660. 1660-1715 , Paris 1975, 1987
  • Victor Hugo, Ruy Blas . Édition critique, 2 vols., Paris 1971–1972

(Further publication of works by Racine, Diderot, Beaumarchais, Victor Hugo, Alfred de Musset , Théophile Gautier and Armand Salacrou)


  • Confluences. Le dialogue des cultures dans les shows contemporains. Essais en l'honneur d'Anne Ubersfeld , ed. by Patrice Pavis, Saint-Cyr l'École 1991

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