Anneta Politi

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Anneta Politi, 2017

Anneta Politi (born March 22, 1977 in Waiblingen ) is a German radio presenter .



Politi is the daughter of Greek parents and grew up in Bietigheim-Bissingen . Immediately after graduating from high school in 1996, she did her traineeship at a Stuttgart commercial broadcaster. She then came to SWR3 in July 1998 before the pop waves merged from SWF and SDR . She began as a reporter in the Stuttgart studio ; from 1999 she moderated various programs on SWR3 from Baden-Baden . In 2002/03 she was Miss Holiday at SWR3 and sent listeners to travel with Elch and Weg . Since July 2004 she has moderated the SWR3 morning show, alternating with Sascha Zeus and Michael Wirbitzky every two weeks . She also moderates the Saturday evening on SWR3. She also regularly moderates the ARD Popnacht, which can be heard across Germany. She does the opening credits in the comedy series Jogis Jungs , in Athens she plays the daughter Retsina .

She also moderated numerous SWR3 open airs and events, including the Volcano Stage at Rock am Ring , the close-up concerts with Bon Jovi and Coldplay , the Seefest at Max-Eyth-See in Stuttgart, Rhineland-Palatinate Open Air , Stuttgarter Sternstunden , fashion and Music in Metzingen as well as the preliminary program for the youth vigil in Freiburg on the occasion of the Pope's visit in September 2011.

Since 2010 she has moderated the SWR 3 New Pop Festival .

Speaker activity

Since 2010 she has been lending her voice to stop announcements in the area of ​​the Karlsruher Verkehrsverbund , replacing Dorothee Roth in this role . As a narrator, she wrote the audio book Ich trink Ouzo, what are you drinking for Stella Bettermann . In 2005 she recorded the version of Lazyboy Facts of Life in German.

watch TV

In 2008 she hosted the live broadcast Strandparty from Mainz with Holger Wienpahl for SWR television .


Since May 2020 she has been producing the “Mama Podcast” Chaos² , an offer from Südwestrundfunk, together with the German blogger Monja Kartusch .

Individual evidence

  1. Jonas Schöll: Naturalization: State government promotes German passport . In: THE WORLD . September 26, 2013 ( [accessed on August 21, 2020]).
  2. : Campaign Baden-Württemberg Ministry for Integration · Blog · BFF. Retrieved on August 21, 2020 (German).
  3. Moderators | Communication | Company . In: . ( [accessed on July 30, 2018]).
  4. Anne Herder: Anneta Politi and Kemal Goga: How the weekend relationship turned into a real marriage ... In: Pfalz-Echo . August 6, 2018, accessed on August 20, 2020 (interview).
  5. (link not available)
  6. Article from KVV Magazin page 12 ( Memento from October 13, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) (PDF file; 2.20 MB)
  7. Article by KA News as of November 24, 2011
  8. Lübbe Verlag as of November 24, 2011
  9. Beach party between palm trees and water SWR television, as of November 24, 2011.
  10. Chaos² Podcast for Südwestrundfunk since May 2020