Annibale Ninchi

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Annibale Ninchi (1937)
Annibale Ninchi (left) with his brother Carlo

Annibale Ninchi (born November 20, 1887 in Bologna , † January 15, 1967 in Pesaro ) was an Italian actor.

life and career

Annibale Ninchi began his stage career in the 1900s and quickly enjoyed success. For many years he was a popular leading actor and at times owned his own ensemble. He made a name for himself in particular as a performer in Greek tragedies . Ninchi was still playing important roles in the theater in the 1950s, directed by Luigi Squarzina and Luchino Visconti .

Ninchi had already made his film debut in 1909, but in the following decades he only appeared in front of the camera for a few, selected productions. In 1937 he played the main role of the general Scipio Africanus in the lavishly staged monumental film Karthagos Fall , but the flick flopped at the box office. He then only returned to film in the mid-1950s, where he now mostly portrayed dignified authority figures. Ninchi is best known to today's audiences for his supporting roles in Federico Fellini's film classics The Sweet Life (1960) and Eight and Half (1963), in which he played the father of the main actor Marcello Mastroianni . Eight and a half was also the actor's last film.

Annibale Ninchi died in January 1967 at the age of 79. His son Arnaldo Ninchi (1935-2013) and his nephew Alessandro Ninchi were also active as actors.


  • 1909: Carmen
  • 1914: Il grido dell'innocenza
  • 1914: Ninna nanna
  • 1915: La gorgona
  • 1915: I pagliacci
  • 1917: L'ombra del sogno
  • 1917: La piccola fonte
  • 1918: Il pastor fido
  • 1918: Le mariage de Chiffon
  • 1936: Fiordalisi d'oro
  • 1937: Fall of Carthage (Scipione l'Africano)
  • 1955: Bought happiness (Non c'è amore più grande)
  • 1955: Adriana Lecouvreur
  • 1957: Medea (TV movie)
  • 1959: Wind of the South (Vento del Sud)
  • 1960: The sweet life (La Dolce Vita)
  • 1961: Constantine the Great (Costantino il grande)
  • 1961: One evening on the beach (Un soir sur la plage)
  • 1961: The adults (Les grandes personnes)
  • 1961: Hold the bomb, darling (Che gioia vivere)
  • 1962: Horace 62
  • 1962: The black riders of Tula (I lancieri neri)
  • 1963: eight and a half (8½)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Ninchi, Annibale in "Dictionnaire Biografico". Retrieved March 19, 2018 (it-IT).
  2. Gaetano Biccari: "Refuge of the Spirit" ?: conservative-revolutionary, fascist and National Socialist theater discourses in Germany and Italy 1900-1944 . Gunter Narr Verlag, 2001, ISBN 978-3-8233-5228-0 ( [accessed on March 19, 2018]).
  3. ^ Arnaldo Ninchi at the Internet Movie Database. Retrieved March 20, 2018 .