Antonio Lobo Antunes

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António Lobo Antunes (2010)

António Lobo Antunes (born September 1, 1942 in Benfica ) is a Portuguese psychiatrist and writer .


António Lobo Antunes, scion of an upper-class aristocratic dynasty, grew up in the Lisbon district of Benfica . High military officials and a Brazilian rubber wholesaler can be found among his ancestors, but also a German grandmother. His father was a doctor, and António. the eldest of six siblings, studied at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Lisbon . He wanted to be a writer at the age of 13 . He specialized in psychiatry , in which he believed to find similarities with literature . After studying medicine, he was drafted into the military in 1970 and was a military doctor in Angola for 27 months during the colonial war from 1971 to 1973 . He then worked until 1985 as chief physician and psychiatrist in the mental hospital of the Miguel Bombarda Hospital in Lisbon. Under the Salazar dictatorship , Lobo Antunes became a member of the Communist Party and was therefore in prison. Since 1985 he has devoted himself almost exclusively to writing.

Literary work

Lobo Antunes is one of the most important contemporary Portuguese writers. His works repeatedly deal with the history of Portugal . The themes of his early works are the colonial war, death, loneliness, frustration with life and love. "His novels are baroque downfall stories of the Portuguese being and rot, bizarre and melancholy", writes Die Zeit in an article from 1997. He has been considered a candidate for the Nobel Prize for Literature for years . His subjects are Portugal's past and present, always connected with fear, violence, death, illness, separations, whereby his main focus is on the fate of "normal" people and small marginalized people. Atmospherically and psychologically dense and linguistically unconventional, he criticizes modern society. A flood of metaphors and a multi-faceted narrative energy produce works that are almost baroque. He processed his experiences in the colonial war in the novel The Kiss of Judas ( Os Cus de Judas , 1979), with which he achieved his breakthrough as a writer in Portugal.


In 1986, the Portuguese Writers' Association awarded Antunes its Grand Prize for Novels for the novel Round Dance of the Damned . He also received the Prix Europa Hörspiel and the Austrian State Prize for European Literature in 2000 and the Jerusalem Prize in 2005 for the freedom of the individual in society . In 2007 Antunes was awarded the Prémio Camões , the most important literary prize in the Portuguese-speaking world.

His works are translated by Maralde Meyer-Minnemann and are published by Luchterhand Literaturverlag .


  • Memória de Elefante , 1979
German: Elefantengedächtnis , 2004, ISBN 3-630-87177-1
  • Os Cus de Judas , 1979
German: Der Judaskuß , 1987, ISBN 3-446-13970-2
  • A Explicação dos Pássaros , 1981
German: The birds are coming back . Translated from the Portuguese by Ray-Güde Mertin. Hanser, Munich 1989, ISBN 3-446-15138-9
  • Conhecimento do Inferno , 1981
German: Insight into Hell , 2003, ISBN 3-630-87143-7
  • Fado Alexandrino , 1983
German: Fado Alexandrino , 2002, ISBN 3-630-87119-4
  • Auto dos Danados , 1985
German: Reigen der Verdammten , 1991, ISBN 3-446-15139-7
  • As Naus , 1988
German: The return of the caravels , 2000, ISBN 3-630-87079-1
  • A Besta do Paraíso , 1989
  • Tratado das Paixões da Alma , 1990
German: The Passions of the Soul , 1994, ISBN 3-446-17203-3
  • A Ordem Natural das Coisas , 1992
German: The natural order of things , 1996, ISBN 3-446-18735-9
  • A Morte de Carlos Gardel , 1994
German: The death of Carlos Gardel , 2000, ISBN 3-630-87062-7
  • A História do Hidroavião (with illustrations by Vitorino), 1994
  • Manual dos Inquisidores , 1996
German: Das Handbuch der Inquisitoren , 1997, ISBN 3-630-86967-X
  • O Esplendor de Portugal , 1997
German: Portugal's radiant size , 1998, ISBN 3-630-86987-4
  • Livro de Crónicas , 1998
German partial edition as Sonnets to Christ , 1999, ISBN 3-630-87033-3
German: Book of Chronicles , 2006, ISBN 3-630-62086-8
  • Exortação aos Crocodilos , 1999
German: Instructions to the Crocodiles , 1999, ISBN 3-630-87035-X
  • Não Entres Tão Depressa Nessa Noite Escura , 2000
German: Don't go so fast into this dark night , 2001, ISBN 3-630-87091-0
  • Que farei quando tudo arde? , 2001
German: What will I do when everything burns? , 2003, ISBN 3-630-87146-1
  • Segundo Livro de Crónicas , 2002
German: Second book of the chronicles . Translated from the Portuguese by Maralde Meyer-Minnemann . Luchterhand Literaturverlag, Munich 2007, ISBN 3-630-62087-6
  • Letrinhas das Cantigas , limited edition, 2002
  • Boa Tarde às Coisas Aqui em Baixo , 2003
German: Good evening you things down here , 2005, ISBN 3-630-87205-0
  • Eu Hei-de Amar Uma Pedra , 2004
German: I will love a stone . Translated from the Portuguese by Maralde Meyer-Minnemann. Luchterhand Literaturverlag, Munich 2006, ISBN 3-630-87216-6
  • D'este viver aqui neste papel descripto. Cartas da guerra , 2005
German: life, described on paper. Letters from the war . Translated from the Portuguese by Maralde Meyer-Minnemann. Luchterhand Literaturverlag, Munich 2007, ISBN 3-630-87252-2
  • Terceiro Livro de Crónicas , 2006
German: Third Book of Chronicles , 2010, ISBN 978-3-630-62167-8
  • Ontem Não Te Vi Em Babilónia , 2006
German: I didn't see you yesterday in Babylon . Translated from the Portuguese by Maralde Meyer-Minnemann. Luchterhand Literaturverlag, Munich 2008, ISBN 978-3-630-87217-9
  • O Meu Nome é Legião , 2007
German: My name is Legion . Translated from the Portuguese by Maralde Meyer-Minnemann. Luchterhand Literaturverlag, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-630-87295-7
  • O Arquipélago da Insónia , 2008
German: The Archipelago of Insomnia , 2012, ISBN 978-3-630-87346-6
  • Que Cavalos São Aqueles Que Fazem Sombra no Mar? , 2009
German: Which horses are they that throw their shadows into the sea? , 2013
  • Sôbolos Rios Que Vão , 2010
German: On the rivers that flow . Translated from the Portuguese by Maralde Meyer-Minnemann. Luchterhand Literaturverlag, Munich 2010, ISBN 978-3-630-87374-9
  • Quarto Livro de Crónicas , 2011
  • Comissão das Lágrimas , 2011
  • Não É Meia Noite Quem Quer , 2012
German: Not everyone is given to be midnight . Translated from the Portuguese by Maralde Meyer-Minnemann. Luchterhand Literaturverlag, Munich 2015, ISBN 978-3-630-87424-1
  • Caminho como uma casa em chamas , 2014
German: I'm going like a house on fire . Translated from the Portuguese by Maralde Meyer-Minnemann. Luchterhand Literaturverlag, Munich 2017, ISBN 978-3-630-87502-6
  • Da Natureza dos Deuses , 2015
German: Of the essence of the gods . Translated from the Portuguese by Maralde Meyer-Minnemann. Luchterhand Literaturverlag, Munich 2018, ISBN 978-3-630-87571-2


  • María Luisa Blanco: Conversations with António Lobo Antunes . Luchterhand Collection, Munich 2003, ISBN 3-630-62059-0
  • Friedhelm Rathjen : Through thick and thin. About Marianne Fritz, Gertrude Stein, Arno Schmidt, António Lobo Antunes and other authors of weight . Edition Rejoyce, Scheeßel 2006, ISBN 3-00-018816-9

Web links

Commons : António Lobo Antunes  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Albert Ostermaier: FROM THE NIGHTS THE HELLEN - KulturSPIEGEL 8/2005 . In: Der Spiegel . No. 8 , 2005 ( online ).