Anti-right movement

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A Chinese parade in the 1950s "supported" the anti-right campaign.

The anti-right movement ( Chinese反右 運動 / 反右 运动, Pinyin Fǎn Yòu Yùndòng ) was a nationwide “cleansing” of the so-called “ right-wing ” that Mao Zedong had launched in 1957 in the People's Republic of China . In this between one and two million people classified arbitrarily as "right" and in two waves in education adhesion plugged in or executed .

It is believed that the movement ended in 1959. The campaign was not limited to the Communist Party itself. High-ranking Communist Party officials such as Deng Xiaoping and Peng Zhen also played an important role in the campaign. The campaign was seen as a continuation of the " rectification movement " (1942–1945).

According to statistics from the time of “ Boluan Fanzheng ”, at least 550,000 people were classified as “rights” and persecuted. Most of the victims were intellectuals and members of other political parties, notably Zhang Bojun , Qian Weichang (钱伟长), Gu Zhun (顾准) and Zhu Rongji , who later became China's prime minister . Others have estimated that a total of 1-2 million people were persecuted, many of whom were sent to the countryside or given " laogai ". However, the exact number of deaths is not known.

The anti-right movement marked a turning point in Chinese history after China de facto entered a one-party state controlled by the Chinese Communist Party . The movement not only created many "unjust, false, unlawful cases (冤假错案)", but also severely damaged democracy in China and led to both the Great Leap and the Cultural Revolution afterwards.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, Deng Xiaoping launched the " Boluan Fanzheng " program and " Reform and Opening up " and admitted that there were flaws in the anti- rightist movement. With the help of Hu Yaobang , a large number of "rights" have been rehabilitated, with the exception of a small number of people.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b Mao Zedong: China under Mao: 1949-1966. July 29, 2016, accessed July 15, 2020 .
  2. Anja Mihr, Gert Pickel, Susanne Pickel: Handbook Transitional Justice: Coming to terms with injustice - towards the rule of law and democracy . Springer-Verlag, 2017, ISBN 978-3-658-02392-8 ( here in the Google book search [accessed on July 15, 2020]).
  3. Volker Klöpsch: Lexicon of Chinese Literature . CH Beck, 2004, ISBN 978-3-406-52214-7 ( here in the Google book search [accessed on July 15, 2020]).
  4. a b c d 反右 运动 大事记. In: Radio Free Asia . Retrieved July 15, 2020 .
  5. a b c d e f g Christine Vidal: The 1957–1958 Anti-Rightist Campaign in China: History and Memory (1978–2014) Archived from the original on November 28, 2019. In: Hal-SHS . 2016.
  6. ^ Yen-lin Chung: The Witch-Hunting Vanguard: The Central Secretariat's Roles and Activities in the Anti-Rightist Campaign . In: The China Quarterly . No. 206 , 2011, ISSN  0305-7410 , p. 391-411 , JSTOR : 41305225 .
  7. Fang Lizhi (方 励 之): The Chinese Amnesia. September 27, 1990, accessed August 7, 2020 .
  8. Jin Guantao (金观涛), Liu Qingfeng (刘青峰): 反右 运动 与 延安 整风. In: Chinese University of Hong Kong . Retrieved August 7, 2020 .
  9. ^ Warren Sun: Review of Chinese Anti-Rightist Campaign (1957-) (CD-ROM) . In: The China Journal . No. 66 , 2011, ISSN  1324-9347 , p. 169-172 , JSTOR : 41262814 .
  10. a b Zhu Zheng (朱正): 一九 五七 : 中国 现代 知识 份子 的 消失. In: Modern China Studies. Retrieved July 15, 2020 .
  11. a b c 中共 功 罪 评说 之 六 : 毛泽东 是 如何 让 知识分子 上钩 的? In: Voice of America . Retrieved July 15, 2020 (Chinese).
  12. Yang Yu (羊 羽): 钱伟长 与 蒋南翔. In: Chinese University of Hong Kong . Retrieved July 15, 2020 .
  13. ^ Els van Dongen, Yuan Chang: After Revolution: Reading Rousseau in 1990s China . In: Contemporary Chinese Thought . tape 48 , no. 1 , January 2, 2017, ISSN  1097-1467 , p. 1–13 , doi : 10.1080 / 10971467.2017.1383805 .
  14. Four other prominent figures faced labels as rightists; one recovered, rose to premier. In: South China Morning Post . Retrieved July 15, 2020 .
  15. a b Mu Guangren (穆广仁): 反右 运动 的 六个 断面. In: Yanhuang Chunqiu . Retrieved July 15, 2020 .
  16. 七名 被判 死刑 的 北京大学 “右派 分子”. (PDF) In: University of Chicago . Retrieved July 15, 2020 (Chinese).
  17. Liu Zheng (刘 政): 反右 运动 对 人民 代表 大会 建设 和 工作 的 损害 - 中国 人大 新闻 - 人民网. June 9, 2020, accessed July 15, 2020 .
  18. ^ Gilbert King: The Silence that Preceded China's Great Leap into Famine. In: Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved July 15, 2020 .
  19. Xu Bi (徐 贲): 五 十年 后 的 “反右” 创伤 记忆. In: 胡耀邦 史料 信息 网. Retrieved July 15, 2020 .