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The descendants of the Diadoch Antigonus I. Monophthalmos are called Antigonids , who lived from 294 BC. BC (with an interruption from 287 to 276 BC) to 168 BC. Chr. Macedonia and parts of Greece dominated. Antigonus I established a short-lived empire in Asia , which he and his son Demetrios I Poliorketes after the battle of Ipsos in 301 BC. Chr. Lost again. Only his grandson Antigonus II Gonatas was able to secure the Macedonian throne for himself and his successors. With the Antigonids, the royal seat of Pella experienced a cultural and artistic heyday and was of great importance as a center of political power. Under Philip V , Macedonia had around 200 BC. Achieved a hegemony over large parts of Greece, but was in dispute with several small states. 215 BC In addition, the king had temporarily allied himself with Hannibal and so aroused the anger of the Romans. So it came to the momentous intervention of the Roman Empire . 197 BC Philip had to withdraw from Greece, 168 BC. His son, King Perseus of Macedonia , was defeated in the battle against the Roman legions near Pydna . This marked the end of the rule of the Antigonids.

The aim of the Antigonid politics was the establishment of a hegemony over Greece and (if possible) over parts of the Aegean . Although they ruled a much smaller area than the Seleucids and Ptolemies , the Antigonids were on a par with them and represented the third great power of early Hellenism . Macedonia had the best army of all the Diadochian empires , even if it was not strong enough for the ambitious goals was.


Map of the Greek world at the beginning of the 2nd Macedonian War 200 BC Chr.

King in Asia:

Kings of Macedonia:

King of Cyrene:

family tree

Antigonus I. Monophthalmos
Kg. 306-301 BC Chr.
Demetrios I. Poliorketes
Kg. 306–283 BC Chr.
Seleucus I.
Stratonike I.
Antigonus II. Gonatas
Kg. 283-239 BC Chr.
Demetrios the Beautiful
King of Cyrene
Demetrios II.
Kg. 239-229 BC Chr.
Phthia of Epirus
Antigonus III. Doson
Kg. 229-221 BC Chr.
Philipp V.
Kg. 221-179 BC Chr.
Kg. 179-167 BC Chr.

City foundations

Surname founder Establishment date location annotation
Antigoneia Troas Antigonus I. Monophthalmos about 310 BC Chr. Canakkale Province , Turkey after 301 BC Renamed by Lysimachus in Alexandria Troas
Antigoneia on Askanios Antigonus I. Monophthalmos ? Bursa Province , Turkey after 301 BC Renamed by Lysimachos in Nikaia, today İznik
Antigoneia on the Orontes Antigonus I. Monophthalmos 307 BC Chr. Hatay Province , Turkey after 301 BC . BC by Seleucus in Antioch renamed, today Antakya
Demetrias Demetrios I. Poliorketes 303 BC Chr. Korinthia Regional Unit , Greece New establishment of Sicyon , at the latest after 287 BC. Renamed back to Sikyon
Demetrias Demetrios I. Poliorketes 294 BC Chr. Magnisia Regional Unit , Greece
Perseis Philip V. around 168 BC Chr. Vardar region , Macedonia



Monographs and Articles

  • Elizabeth J. Baynham: Alexander's Argyraspids: tough old fighters or Antigonid myth? , in: Víctor Alonso Troncoso (Ed.): After Alexander. The time of the Diadochi (323-281 BC), Oxford [u. a.] 2013, pp. 110-120.
  • Miltiadēs B. Chatzopulos: L'organization de l'armée macedonienne sous les Antigonides. Problèmes anciens et documents nouveaux (Meletēmata, Kentron Hellēnikēs kai Rōmaïkēs Archaiotētos 30), Paris 2001.
  • Robert Malcolm Errington: King and City in Hellenistic Macedonia: The Role of Epistates , in: Chiron 32 (2002), pp. 51-64.
  • Nicholas Geoffrey Lemprière Hammond, Frank W. Walbank : A History of Macedonia. Volume 3, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1988, ISBN 0-19-814815-1 , pp. 95 ff.
  • Pierre Juhel / Nicholas Seconda: The "agema" and "the other peltasts" in the late Antigonid army, and in the Drama / Cassandreia conscription "diagramma" , in: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 170 (2009), pp. 104-108 .
  • Sofia Kremydi-Sisilianou: ΜΑΚΕΔΟΝΩΝ ΠΡΩΤΗΣ ΜΕΡΙΔΟΣ. Evidence for a coinage under the Antigonids , in: Revue numismatique 163 (2007), pp. 91-100.
  • Sylvie Le Bohec: L'Entourage Royal à la Cour des Antigonides , in: Edmond Lévy (ed.): Le Système Palatial en Orient, en Grèce et à Rome . Actes du Colloque de Strasbourg, 19-22 June 1985, Leuven [u. a.] 1987, pp. 315-326.
  • Sylvie Le Bohec: Intrigues et soulèvements dans la Macédoine des Antigonides , in: Ancient Macedonia VI. Papers read at the sixth international Symposium held in Thessaloniki, October 15-19, 1996, Thessalonikē 1999, pp. 679-689.
  • Sylvie Le Bohec: L 'héritier du diadème chez les Antigonides , in: Gerión Anejos 9 (2005), pp. 57-70.
  • John Ma: Court, King, and Power in Antigonid Macedonia , in: Robin J. Lane Fox (Ed.): Brill's Companion to Ancient Macedon. Studies in the Archeology and History of Macedon, 650 BC-300 AD , Leiden / Boston 2011, pp. 521-543.
  • James L. O'Neil: The ethnic origins of the friends of the Antigonid kings of Macedon , in: Classical Quarterly 53/2 (2003), pp. 510-522.
  • Katerina Panagopoulou: The Antigonids: Patterns of a Royal Economy , in: Zofia H. Archibald / John Davies, Vincent Gabrielsen / GJ Oliver (eds.): Hellenistic Economies , London / New York 2001, pp. 313-364.
  • Nicholas Seconda: The Antigonid army (Akanthina 8), Gdańsk 2013.
  • Nicholas Seconda: Macedonian Armies after Alexander 323-168 BC (Men-at-Arms 477), Oxford 2012.
  • Frank W. Walbank: Sea-power and the Antigonids , in: Winthrop Lindsay Adams / Eugene N. Borza (eds.): Philip II, Alexander the Great, and the Macedonian heritage , Washington 1982, pp. 213-236.

Web links

See also