Antoine-Claude Briasson

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Antoine-Claude Briasson (born April 5, 1700 in Lyon , † February 28, 1775 in Paris ) was a French bookseller and publisher in the Age of Enlightenment . He was one of the publishers of the Encyclopédie of French Enlightenmentists .


Briasson was from Lyon. His parents were the grocer Claude Briasson († 1738) and Marie Chappas († 1738). After about five years of training with his uncle Antoine Briasson in Lyon's rue Mercière , he went to Paris in 1720, where he began an apprenticeship with the Parisian printer Nicolas Simart (around 1670–1750) in October, and two years later with Antoine Gaudouin continued. He made the master's title ( maître-libraire ) in Paris in 1724.

On February 8, 1725, he married Marie Anne Pochard. The marriage resulted in two daughters, Marie Anne (1726–1744) and Françoise Marguerite (1735–1752) and a son, Antoine Claude (1745–1778).

From 1724 to 1775 Briasson initially worked as a bookseller in Paris, from 1751 also as a publisher. His Paris domicile was in rue Saint-Jacques from 1724 . He was one of the wealthiest publishers of his time and took on important roles in the bookseller community from 1739. Alongside André François Le Breton , Michel-Antoine David and Laurent Durand , Briasson was one of four publishers of the Encyclopédie . Between 1752 and 1765 he published the Journal des sçavans , which had existed since 1665 .

Fausse suivante by Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Marivaux , edited by Briasson as noted on the lower margin of the title page: à Paris, chez Briasson, rue Saint-Jacques, à la Science



  • Frank A. Kafker et Jeff Loveland, Antoine-Claude Briasson et l'Encyclopédie , Recherches sur Diderot et sur l'Encyclopédie , n ° 35. online
  • Frank A. Kafker, Les Ventes de l'Encyclopédie , In: Sciences, musiques, Lumières , Ferney, Center international d'étude du XVIIIe siècle, 2002.
  • Louis-Philippe May: Documents nouveaux sur l'Encyclopédie: histoire et sources de l'Encyclopédie d'après le registre de délibérations et des comptes des éditeurs, et un mémoire inédit Revue de synthèse 15 (1938).
  • Nikolaï A. Kopanev, Le libraire-éditeur parisien Antoine Claude Briasson et la culture russe au milieu du XVIIIe siècle , in: Jean-Pierre Poussou, Center Roland Mousnier, L'influence française en Russie au XVIIIe siècle , Presses Paris Sorbonne, (2004 ) ISBN 978-2-7204-0392-7 , pp. 185-200.
  • Catalog des livres, tant de France que des Pays Etrangers, qui se vendent a Paris, Chez Antoine-Claude Briasson , Paris, (1739).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Frédéric Barbier; Sabine Juratic; Annick Mellerio: Dictionnaire des imprimeurs, libraires et gens du livre à Paris 1701-1789: AC. Collectif (2007), ISBN 2-600-01336-9 , pp. 308-315
  2. consortium of european research libraries: Briasson, Antoine-Claude (1700 - 1775)
  3. autorités Sudoc. Biographical information, French language