Anton Dawidowicz

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Anton Dawidowicz (born September 30, 1910 in Vienna ; † June 25, 1993 in Wels ) was an Austrian music teacher , conductor and composer .


Petersfriedhof Salzburg , grave of Anton Dawidowicz

Anton Dawidowicz (Dawidowicz = son of David ) was born as the son of Franz and Maria Dawidowicz, née Schrottmüller, in Paulusgasse 5 , 3rd district . His grandfather had moved to Vienna from Radautz ( Bukowina / Austria-Hungary ), whose ancestors came from Armenia .
Anton Dawidowicz attended the private elementary school for boys of the school brothers ( Erdbergstrasse 45 ) for five years and from 1921/22 until his Matura in 1930 he attended the Humanist Federal High School, Kundmanngasse 22 . In the fall of 1930 he began his studies at the Philosophical Faculty ofUniversity of Vienna , where he was awarded the graduate degree on July 16, 1934. He was then able to pass the final examination for church and school music at the State Academy (with excellent results) and the teaching qualification examination for music lessons at secondary schools and teacher training institutions. One of his teachers was Karl Walter , who was the cathedral organist at St. Stephen's until 1945 and as his substitute he found great admiration for his organ improvisations on the monumental Walcker organ . Through Vinzenz Goller's mediation , he took up the position of choirmaster and organist at the parish church of St. Andrä (Lienz) in 1934 (→ Butz organ ). In 1939 he had to join the military, he experienced the end of the war as a soldier in a troop that withdrew from Finland by means of huge hikes. After being a prisoner of war, Anton Dawidowicz took up a job as a music educator at the teacher training institute in Salzburg, which eventually led to his appointment as a specialist inspector for music education for the western federal states. On December 21, 1949, he had also received his doctorate at the University of Vienna, he had submitted his dissertation to Erich Schenk , who was strongly anti-Semitic throughout his life . In Salzburg, Dawidowicz led the choir of the Salzburg Teachers' Training Institute , founded the Salzburg Singing Circle , the children's choir of Radio Salzburg and appeared as organist on the Franz Mauracher organ at the radio services from the Salzburg Franciscan Church . During this time he was appointed to the Mozarteum , where he held a chair (1970–1980) for choral conducting in the departments for school and church music. Dawidowicz became known throughout Austria as the editor of a songbook that was used in particular in Austrian elementary schools . After the unexpected death of Joseph Messner , Anton Dawidowicz became a practically ad hoc cathedral music director at Salzburg Cathedral in 1969 , an office he held until 1985. In addition to his musical activities, he was also the initiator and co-founder of the Work Weeks for Church Music , the Association of Friends of Salzburg Cathedral Music and the installation of the Salzburg Cathedral Boys' Choir . After his sudden death Anton Dawidowicz was buried in the cemetery of the St. Peter monastery not far from the Margaret Chapel.

Individual evidence

  1. In Austria, a confirmation from a university that you have completed the number of semesters and exercises required for the final examination.
  2. ^ Curriculum vitae. In: Anton Dawidowicz: Master Organ Builders and Organs in East Tyrol . Inauguraldissertation, Vienna 1949, p. 200 (not paginated).
  3. ^ Anton Dawidowicz: master organ builder and organs in East Tyrol . Inaugural dissertation, Vienna 1949.
  4. ^ Anton Dawidowicz: Come sing along . Austrian song book, Innsbruck 1962.
  5. ^ Gerhard Zuckriegel: Dr. Anton Dawidowicz † . In: Singende Kirche , Vol. 40 (1993), No. 3, p. 144.


  • Compositions (selection)
    • Alleluja calls (SATB)
    • The Salve Regina
    • Another beautiful petition song
    • Three roses are in bloom
    • 8 Marian songs
    • Advent and Christmas to well-known hymns, f. SAB, Org or 3 melody instruments. -
    • Passion and Easter 3rd. Sentences to well-known hymns, f. SAB, Org or 3 melody instruments.
    • Passion according to the evangelist Mark
    • How beautiful the moon is
  • Memo and exercise book for basic musical training

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