Anton Ludovico Antinori

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Bust of Antinoris in the colonnade of the Palazzo dell'Emiciclo (Emiciclo), L'Aquila

Anton Ludovico Antinori (born August 26, 1704 in L'Aquila ; † March 1, 1778 ibid) was an Italian Catholic archbishop , historian and epigraphist . He was mainly concerned with the history of his hometown and Abruzzo .


Anton Ludovico Antinori came from a noble family and was the son of the Bolognese Giacinto Antinori and the Neapolitan Flavia Villacci. He received his first education under the direction of Niccolò Guacci and was sent to Naples in 1715 , where he was a student of the Italian scholar and clergyman Celestino Galiani . After completing theological, historical and archaeological studies, he returned to his homeland in 1725 and took an intense interest in researching historical monuments, especially those of his native Abruzzo. He soon made a name for himself as a historian and epigraphist. For example, he contributed numerous articles on previously unknown Greek and Latin inscriptions and ancient ruins of Abruzzo to the Novus Antiquarum Inscriptionum Thesaurus of his friend Lodovico Antonio Muratori . He received great praise in the sixth volume of Muratoris Antiquitates Italicae Medii Aevi , for which book he provided several rhymed chronicles about the Abruzzo from the 13th century with prefaces and comments.

In 1739 he joined the Oratorian Society and was ordained a priest. Through his stays in Rome , Antinori gained the favor of Pope Benedict XIV , so that he offered him the management of a new library to be built in Bologna ; due to his poor health, however, Antinori turned down this post. In 1745 he was appointed Archbishop of Lanciano , which function he held for nine years, after which he became Archbishop of Acerenza and Matera in 1754 .

In 1757 Antinori resigned his offices and retired into private life. He received a pension of 500 ducats as well as some benefices and returned to his previous area of ​​interest, the collection of documents on the history of Abruzzo. However, he did not find the time to publish this material, which he was planning, and died of a stroke in his home town in 1778 at the age of 73 . After his death, his brother Gennaro announced that he would publish these materials. In 1781 a first volume was published in Naples under the title Raccolta di memorie istoriche delle tre provincie degli Abruzzi . A total of four volumes were published by 1783, which means that only a small part of the total stock of the manuscripts left behind was published; the lack of plan and order also make the abundant work difficult to use. In 1887 the manuscripts became the property of the Biblioteca Tommasiana in L'Aquila and were cataloged by Enrico Casti in 51 volumes.

Writings from the estate (selection)

  • Raccolta di memorie istoriche delle tre provincie degli Abruzzi . 4 volumes, Campo, Naples 1781–1783.
  • Cronache aquilane , 1783.
  • Antichità storico-critiche sacre, e profane esaminate nella regione de'Frentani. Naples 1790.
  • Vita della beata Cristina già nel secolo Mattia de 'Ciccarelli di Lucoli religiosa agostiniana nel monistero di S. Lucia in Aquila . Tip. Rietelliana, L'Aquila 1822.
  • Del carteggio inedito tra Ludovico Antonio Antinori e Giovanni Cristofano Amaduzzi , ed. by A. Cappelli. Tip. Perfilia, L'Aquila 1904.
  • Corografia storica degli Abruzzi , ed. by Vincenzo De Bartholomaeis. In: Bollettino della deputazione di storia patria per gli Abruzzi . Deputazione abruzzese di storia patria, L'Aquila 1913–1932.
  • Il regesto e la storia del monastero di S. Basilio in Aquila compilati dall'Antinori , ed. by U. Speranza. Vecchioni, L'Aquila 1935.
  • Cinque lettere di AL Antinori e la Madonna del Ponte di Lanciano , ed. by C. Marcian. Tip. Marchionne, Lanciano 1957.
  • Annali degli Abruzzi , 36 volumes, Forni, Sala Bolognese 1971–1973.
  • Lettere inedite a Ludovico Antonio Muratori , ed. by F. Di Gregorio. Bastida, L'Aquila 1973.
  • Regesto Antinoriano , ed. by S. Piacentino. Deputazione abruzzese di storia patria, L'Aquila 1977.
  • Il libro di memorie di AL Antinori nella biblioteca diocesana di Lanciano (secoli XI – XVIII) , ed. by M. Scioli, 2 volumes, Colacchi, L'Aquila 1995–1996.
  • Carteggio familiare (1745–1777) , ed. by G. Morelli, Colacchi, L'Aquila 1996.


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