Anton Ulrich von Dyhrn and Schönau

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Anton Ulrich Freiherr von Dyhrn und Schönau (born February 20, 1704 in Gimmel , near Oels ; † 1768 in Dyhernfurth near Breslau ) was court marshal of the principality of Oels and after 1742 Prussian chamberlain and landowner in Lower Silesia .


Anton Ulrich was born the son of Baron Hans Georg von Dyhrn-Schönau and his second wife Ursula Posadowsky von Postelwitz. He had about 15 siblings.

Baron von Dyhrn was married to Sophie Karoline Freiin von Krausen (born November 17, 1722 - April 20, 1793). She was a large landowner of Hanover - Bavarian origin. From this marriage there were three children:


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