Antonia Bertschinger

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Antonia Bertschinger (* 1973 in Zurich ) is a Swiss author and human rights activist .


Bertschinger studied philosophy, English literature and church history from 1993 to 1999 at the University of Basel and at the Free University of Berlin . In 2003, she was at the University of Basel with a dissertation on the philosophy of Junghegelianer doctorate . After completing her doctorate, she worked for the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), initially in Bern and from 2005 to 2007 at the Swiss embassy in Tehran . Bertschinger was responsible for reporting on human rights within the framework of the human rights dialogue between Switzerland and Iran.

After her return to Switzerland, Antonia Bertschinger wrote a book about Iran together with Werner van Gent , in which she said she wanted to show “the beautiful sides of Iran”. Iran is different was published in 2010 by Rotpunktverlag . At the same time, Bertschinger published articles on the subjects of Iran and human rights as a freelance journalist and was involved in the human rights group Augen auf .

From 2011 to 2013 Bertschinger was head of the “Education and Youth” program at the Swiss section of Amnesty International . She also volunteered at Amnesty Switzerland as a country expert on Iran.

In 2016 Bertschinger obtained a master's degree in “War in the Modern World” from the Department of War Studies at King's College London . Your master's thesis examines the question of whether armed so-called humanitarian interventions can really improve the situation in the target country in the long term.

In 2017 Antonia Bertschinger moved to Cambridge / UK with her partner . There she got involved with the local group of Amnesty International and wrote a historical novel about Graubünden : «Der Bergünerstein». The first volume of the three-volume series ("Der Krieg") was published in summer 2019. It deals with the events leading up to the Bündner turmoil on the level of the Bergün community and parallel to this the story of a young woman who, as a contract child, is a victim of sexual violence Abuse will. The first attempt to build a road through the Bergünerstein is also shown in 1603 . The novel is based on detailed historical research, the results of which Bertschinger has published on an accompanying website.

In October 2018 Bertschinger was elected to the cooperative council of the online magazine Republik .

Publications (selection)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Antonia Bertschinger, human rights expert. In: Radio SRF 2 culture , music for a guest . August 26, 2012, accessed November 16, 2018 .
  2. Antonia Bertschinger. Rotpunktverlag. Authors, accessed November 16, 2018 .
  3. Omid Marivani: "Iran is in a killing frenzy". In: 20 minutes . March 28, 2011, accessed November 16, 2018 (interview).
  4. ^ Antonia Bertschinger: Humanitarian Intervention: An Inviable Concept. 2016, accessed on November 16, 2018 (Master's thesis at King's College, London).
  5. A holiday home as a kick-off. In: Bündner Woche . November 7, 2018, accessed on November 16, 2018 (conversation with Antonia Bertschinger).
  6. Rachel van der Elst: The Bergünerstein comes back to life. In: GR today. October 2, 2018, accessed November 16, 2018 .
  7. The Bergünerstein. Retrieved November 16, 2018 .