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The gens antonia , German  Antonier , in the noun Antonius was an important plebeian family in the Roman Empire . The family traced their ancestry back to Anteon , a son of the god Hercules .


The Antonians included:

  1. Marcus Antonius orator (143–87 BC), quaestor 113, praetor of Cilicia 102, consul, censor 97 BC Chr.
    1. Marcus Antonius Creticus († 71 BC in Crete), Praetor 74, then proconsul
      1. Marcus Antonius (around 85–30 BC), ally of Gaius Iulius Caesar , 52–50 legate / quaestor in Gaul, Augur 50, co-consul 44, triumvir with Octavian Augustus and Lepidus 43 - probably the most famous Antonier, whose life in William Shakespeare's play Antony and Cleopatra is described.
        • 1⚭ Fadia, daughter of a Quintus Fadius Gallus (?)
        • 2⚭ 53/52 BC BC (?) Antonia , daughter of his uncle Gaius Antonius Hybrida
        1. Antonia (* about 54 to 49 BC) ⚭ Pythodoros of Tralleis : from it Pythodoris (?) ⚭ Polemon I of Pontos; from it Antonia Tryphaina (* around 15 BC – around 49 AD?), 22 / 33–38 AD Queen of Pontos
        • 3⚭ 48 BC Chr. Fulvia († 40 BC)
        1. Marcus Antonius Antyllus , (47–30 BC, executed), his father's army man, fiancé Augustus' daughter Julia
        2. Iullus Antonius (45–2 BC), Praetor 13, Consul 10, Proconsul in Asia (?) 7/6 BC BC, lover of Augustus' daughter Julia
          1. Lucius Antonius (20 BC - 34 AD), Quaestor 15, Praetor Urbinus 19, then governor in Hispania Tarraconesis, Consul 27
            1. Marcus Antonius Primus (30/35 in Tolosa; † after 81 AD), senator under Nero, commander of the Legio VII Galbiana in Pannonia under Galba, consul 69 for short
            2. Antonia Postuma (* 34 AD AD)
          2. Gaius Antonius (* 19 BC)
          3. Iulla Antonia (* after 19 BC)
        • 4⚭ 40–32 BC Chr. Octavia (* around 69 BC – 11 BC)
        1. Antonia the Elder , A. maior (* 39 BC) ⚭ Lucius Domitius Ahenobarbus : from it Gnaeus Domitius Ahenobarbus , father of the Emperor Nero
        2. Antonia the Younger , A. minor (36 BC – 37 AD) ⚭ Nero Claudius Drusus , derived from Germanicus , Livilla , Claudius
      2. Gaius Antonius († 42 BC), legate of Caesar, city preacher 44, governor in Macedonia
      3. Lucius Antonius Pietas (unknown, † in Spain), quaestor in Asia 50, then proquaestor (governor), tribune 44, consul with Publius Servilius Vatia 41, then exiled
      • ... Antonia (unknown, also unknown, from which marriage)
    2. Gaius Antonius Hybrida (* around or before 106 BC; † after 42 BC), tribune 71, praetor 66, consul with Marcus Tullius Cicero 63, censor 42
      1. Antonia (* around 73 BC) ⚭ with cousin Marcus Antonius

The emperors Gordian I. , Gordian II. And Gordian III. (Emperors between 238 and 244) also belong to the Antonians, but were not directly related to the Republican politicians. The Antonine (Nerva-Antoniner and Serverer, Kaiser between 97 and 235) only have an adoptive relationship to the family.
Those released (patron in brackets) include:

  • Marcus Antonius Felix (1st century, Antonia minor), brother of MA Pallas, procurator of Samaria (Judea) 52–60 AD ⚭ Drusilla , daughter of Herod Agrippa I; Iulia Drusilla, granddaughter of Antony with Cleopatra
  • Marcus Antonius Pallas († 62 AD, Antonia minor), brother of MA Felix, financial administrator of Claudius , praetor 52, removed from office 55
  • Antonia Caenis († 73/74, Antonia minor), concubine of Vespasian

See also