Gaius Antonius Hybrida

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Gaius Antonius (* around or before 106 BC; † after 42 BC) was a Roman politician from the Antonian family . The nickname Hibrida or Hybrida is probably an allusion to its origin.


Gaius was born as the second son of Mark Antony Orator and was thus the brother of Mark Antony Creticus and uncle of the triumvir Mark Antony . He began his military career as a legatus and cavalry commander under Sulla during the Mithridatic Wars . After Sulla's return to Rome, Gaius stayed in Greece with his cavalry to maintain peace and order, but used the time to pillage the land and rob temples and holy places for the benefit of his own fortune.

In 76 BC Chr. He was persecuted for his misdeeds; but he escaped punishment through bribery and the influence of his family. Years later he was removed from the Senate by the censors for his actions in Greece - but was reinstated shortly afterwards, whereupon he decided to restart his political career. Despite his bad reputation, he was elected in 71 BC. To the tribune of the people , 66 BC Chr. To the Praetor and in 63 BC. Together with Marcus Tullius Cicero as consul . He secretly supported Lucius Sergius Catiline , but changed sides when he was promised by Cicero to become proconsul of the rich province of Macedonia . When the Catiline conspiracy broke out , Antony, as consul, was obliged to take command and lead an army to Etruria , but on the day of the battle, due to illness, he handed over command to Marcus Petreius .

In Macedonia he made himself so hated by his violent government and extortion that he had to leave the province and come to Rome in 59 BC. BC was charged with participating in the conspiracy of Catiline and extortion in his province. Antony was convicted despite Cicero's defense and went into exile in Kefalonia , but was defeated by Gaius Iulius Caesar in 44 BC. Pardoned. In 42 BC He was a censor.

His daughter Antonia was the first wife of Mark Antony .

