Antonio Stefanizzi

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Antonio Stefanizzi SJ (born September 18, 1917 in Matino , Apulia , † April 4, 2020 in Rome ) was an Italian Jesuit and media manager and director of Vatican Radio from 1953 to 1967 .


Stefanizzi joined the Jesuit order and studied theology. After his ordination in 1946, he studied mathematics and physics at the Jesuit Fordham University in New York, among others with Victor Franz Hess .

1953 appointed Pope Pius XII. the 35-year-old Jesuit director of Vatican Radio, as the second successor to the founder of Vatican Radio, Giuseppe Gianfranceschi . In the 1950s, Stefanizzi founded the new broadcasting center Santa Maria di Galeria north of Rome. In 1954 he was responsible for the first radio transmission of a Pope's Angelus prayer . In 1967 he gave up the management of the station, but was still active as technical director until 1973. As an advisor to the Pontifical Council for Social Communication , he was one of the founders of the Vatican Television Center (Centro Televisivo Vaticano; CTV) together with Emilio Rossi .

Stefanizzi taught mathematics and physics at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome for several years .

His brother, Angelo Stefanizzi, known as "Father Gandhi", was a long-time missionary in Sri Lanka.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. "Former Vatican Radio Director dies at the age of 102" on of April 5, 2020
  2. a b c d "Il salentino padre Antonio Stefanizzi della Compagnia di Gesù, classe 1917" (Fondazione Terra d'Otranto) on of December 27, 2007, accessed on April 7, 2020 (Italian)
  3. “RI LANKA: JESUIT FR. ANGELO STEFANIZZI DIES " on JESUS ​​CARITAS EST / JCEWORLD.BLOGSPOT.COM from February 6, 2010, accessed on April 7, 2020 (English)