Łemkowszczyzna Apostolic Exarchate

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The Apostolic Exarchate Łemkowszczyzna ( lat. : Apostolicus Exarchatus Lemkovszczyznaensis ), 1934-1941 Apostolic Administration Łemkowszczyzna (also Apostolic Administration of Lemke country ; Polish Apostolska Administracja Łemkowszczyzna ) was a Ukrainian Greek Catholic diocese in Poland . It was directly subordinate to the Pope ( exemption ) and had the status of an Apostolic Administration from 1934 to 1941 , then that of an Apostolic Exarchate . The seat was successively in Rymanów , Sanok , Krynica and finally in Wróblik Szlachecki . The exarchate was dissolved by the government of the People's Republic of Poland in 1947 , the canonical repeal did not take place until 1991.


Map of the Łemkowszczyzna Apostolic Exarchate as a demarcation from the Greek Catholic Metropolis of Lemberg (1939)

The Apostolic Administration Łemkowszczyzna was established on February 10, 1934 by the Holy Congregation for the Oriental Church with the decree Ne quid filiis from the cession of territory of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic eparchy Przemyśl . The background to this was the special identity of the Lemken ethnic group, the majority of whom were of the Greek Catholic denomination. The Ukrainian Greek Catholic clergy considered the Lemks to be Ukrainians. There was resistance against this appropriation by Lemken, who saw themselves primarily as Russians and did not follow the Ukrainian, but the Old Russian rite . In the 1920s, numerous Lemkendörfer converted from the Greek Catholic to the Russian Orthodox Church. In order to stop this development, a separate apostolic administration for the Lemkenland was set up, which was removed from the Ukrainian hierarchy and directly subordinated to Rome.

In 1937 the seat of the Apostolic Administrator was moved from Rymanów to Sanok . In September 1939, the German Reich occupied the area of ​​the diocese that was assigned to the so-called Generalgouvernement . In February 1941 the administration was elevated to the status of an Apostolic Exarchate. In 1944 the seat of the Apostolic Exarch was moved to Krynica , in 1945 to Wróblik Szlachecki .

The last Apostolic Exarch, Ołeksander Małynowśki , fled from the Soviet NKVD to Bavaria via Czechoslovakia in 1945 . The communist government of the People's Republic of Poland dissolved the Apostolic Exarchate in 1947 when they drove the Lemken out of their settlement area and deported them to other parts of Poland. The canonical repeal of the Apostolic Exarchate did not take place until January 16, 1991, and the area was reassigned to the Przemyśl diocese.

In 1943 there were 127,580 Ukrainian Greek Catholics living in the area of ​​the Łemkowszczyzna Apostolic Exarchate. The Apostolic Exarchate was divided into 129 parishes and had 128 priests .


Apostolic Administrators
Apostolic Exarch

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sacra Congregatio per Ecclesia Orientali: Decretum Quo aptius , AAS 27 (1935), n.3, p. 80.
  2. Magdalena Palka: The forgotten people of the Lemken. An ethnic minority in search of their identity. Diploma thesis, Vienna 2012, chapter 6.5.5. AAŁ “Apostolska Administracja Łemkowszczyzna”, pp. 80–81.