April weather

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"April weather"
Sleet grains in April (2019)
Two hours later after the pause in precipitation: snowflakes already thawed again.

As April showers colloquially "capricious", is changeable weather with rapid succession of sunshine , clouds and rain (sometimes snow and hail ) refers. This meteorological phenomenon is also the subject of some peasant rules .

The capricious weather at the time of the cherry blossom can endanger the fruit blossom due to stronger ground frost on cloudless nights.


In spring, the air over southern Europe and Africa warms up faster than over northern Europe and the sea due to the different intensity of solar radiation . This creates a large temperature gradient between north and south. Since the difference is very large at the beginning and the air temperature tries to equalize, there is a constant change in weather at the border, which is just above Central Europe in April .

The warm air from the south mixes with the cold air from the north. The cold air contains a lot of moisture , while the warm air from the south is relatively dry. On the mainland, the cold air is now heated and rises as a result. This creates clouds . However, the warm air from the south is in the higher air layers, which then sinks. It warms up further and dissolves existing clouds again.

This creates the typical April weather with short showers, strong wind and partly cloud-free days.

See also

Web links

Wiktionary: April weather  - explanations of meanings, word origins, synonyms, translations

Individual evidence

  1. a b The Easter holidays begin with sleet and frost , hessenschau.de, April 12, 2019, accessed on April 13, 2019