Arkadi Sergejewitsch Ostaschow

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Arkadi Sergejewitsch Ostaschow ( Russian Аркадий Сергеевич Осташёв ; born January 14, 1929 , † November 22, 2002 ) was a Soviet Kyrgyz painter.


He was born on January 14, 1929 in the village of Nikolskoye, Volokolamsky rajon , Moscow Oblast . In the period from 1945 to 1949 he studied art education at the Saratow Art School.

In 1949 he began studying graphics at the Repin Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture of the Academy of Arts of the USSR in Leningrad (now St. Petersburg) under the direction of AF Pachomow. His thesis was a series of studies on WW Mayakovsky . In the later years the painter dealt more intensively with the personality of the poet. Today several graphic works of art from this series are part of the collections in the Mayakovsky State Museum in Moscow.

After graduating in 1956, Ostashov moved to Frunze (now Bishkek ). His field of activity there included, among other things, artistic design and illustration of Kyrgyz books as well as easel graphics. That year he became a member of the Artists Union of the USSR.

Its graphics, such as B. a series of engravings " Toktogul in exile", "Bazaar", " Osh " and others have been exhibited several times both in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan and throughout the USSR. Six engravings from the series “Toktogul in Exile” are in the collections of the Tretyakov State Gallery in Moscow.

His book illustrations and designs for the works of Aitmatow , Abdukarimow, Baktenow, Toktogul have been awarded several prizes, certificates and certificates at art exhibitions in Kyrgyzstan and other Soviet republics.

In 2001 Ostashov was awarded the title “People's Artist of the Kyrgyz Republic”.


Ostaschow preferred to use graphic techniques such as black and white linocut, watercolor and pastel in his work. As topics he chose historical events, still lifes, portraits, landscape motifs, everyday life of simple people in Kyrgyzstan , excerpts from biographies of famous personalities from art and literature, such as B. Rembrandt van Rijn , Fyodor Dostoyevsky , Alexander Pushkin , Nikolai Nekrasov , Toktogul, Tschingis Ajtmatow and others.

The painter masterfully mastered the so-called academic drawing style. In the course of his life and beyond, his works have been exhibited in numerous museums and galleries in Russia and other Soviet republics, in Burma, Sri Lanka, Romania, Denmark, Sweden, Mongolia and other countries.

Ostashov's works are in the Tretyakov State Gallery , the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts, the Gorky Literature Museum, the State Museum of Oriental Art, the Lenin Museum, the Mayakovsky State Museum, the Kyrgyz State Museum of Fine Arts and other museums and private ones Find collections.


  • Medal “For Distinction in Work” (1958) for active participation in the Second Decade of Kyrgyz Literature and Art in Moscow
  • Bronze VDNKh Medal (1962, 1974)
  • Silver VDNKh Medal (1965)
  • Anniversary medal "In memory of the 100th birthday of Vladimir Ilyich Lenin" (1970)
  • Badge "Best of Poligraphy" (1974)
  • Certificate of Honor of the Supreme Soviet of the Kyrgyz SSR (1976)
  • Honored Artist of the Kyrgyz SSR (1978)
  • People's Artist of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan (2001)

List of galleries

Here is the list of museums and galleries where Ostaschew's works are on display

  • Kyrgyz State Museum of Fine Arts
  • Kyrgyz State Museum of History
  • Frunze Museum
  • Tretyakov State Gallery in Moscow
  • Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow
  • Gorky Literature Museum in Moscow
  • State Museum of Oriental Art in Moscow
  • Lenin Museum in Moscow
  • Mayakovsky Library Museum in Moscow
  • Scientific Research Museum of the Art Academy of the USSR in St Petersburg
  • City Museum in St Petersburg
  • Lenin Museum in St Petersburg
  • "Pushkin House" State Literature Museum in St. Petersburg
  • Mayakovsky House Museum
  • Exhibition and Panorama Directorate in Moscow
  • Folk art gallery in Shushenskoye
  • Folk Museum in Valujki
  • Collective farm museum in Orlovka
  • "Kyzyl-Shark" collective farm museum
  • Museum of Arts in South Sakhalin
  • Museum of Arts in Batken
  • Numerous museums abroad and private collections


  • Аркадий Сергеевич Осташёв. Каталог. - Казань, 2008. Составитель Шадаев Р.А.
  • Аркадий Осташёв. Каталог. - Ордена Дружбы народов издательство "Кыргызстан", 1991. Составитель Каркавцева Л.И.
  • Изобразительное искусство Киргизстана. - Фрунзе: Кыргызстан, 1987. Под редакцией чл.-кор. АН Киргизской ССР. Салиева А.А.
  • Художники Киргизии за 60 лет. - Советский художник, 1983. Составитель Юшкова О.А.
  • Художники Советской Киргизии. - Фрунзе: Кыргызстан, 1982. Составитель Прыткова Л.А.
  • Аркадий Осташёв: Творческий портрет. - Фрунзе: Кыргызстан, 1979. Монография. Попова О.П.
  • Двенадцать киргизских графиков. - Фрунзе, 1969. Составитель Василенков В.Е.
  • Оморкулов М., Осташёв А., Тупый Г. Каталог выставки. - Фрунзе, 1967. Составитель Орешкин Д.

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