Arno exchange

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Arno Tausch (born February 11, 1951 in Salzburg , Austria ) is an Austrian political scientist and one of the founders of quantitative world systems and development research in Europe. His research program focuses on world systems theory , dependency theory and globalization criticism. He is a university lecturer for political science at the University of Innsbruck , as well as visiting professor of economics at the Corvinus University in Budapest and regularlyLecturer at the "Institute for International Development" at the University of Vienna .


Tausch received his doctorate in political science from the University of Salzburg in 1976 and received his habilitation from the University of Innsbruck. His habilitation commission was headed by Anton Pelinka . a. Ulrich Albrecht and Wilfried Röhrich . External comments were u. a. also presented by Karl Wolfgang Deutsch from Harvard University.

After studying at the University of Salzburg , in the autumn of 1977 he got a position as assistant professor for political science at the University of Innsbruck . He was an Austrian diplomat abroad from 1992 to 1999 and had the rank of labor and migration attaché, and later he became counselor for labor and migration. He was also a visiting associate professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Hawaii at Manoa and visiting scholar at the International Institute for Comparative Social Research, Science Center, West Berlin (today: WZB - Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin ).

Arno Tausch is married and has three daughters.

Scientific work

In his studies, Tausch deals with empirical analyzes of globalization , dependency theory and world system theory , social development in Europe, especially in Eastern Europe and in the Muslim world. His research began with a rethinking of dependency theory through quantitative data and statistical analysis and work on poverty in the leading industrial countries. The empirical analysis of dependency, income inequality and social development in many countries around the world was the subject of his dissertation The Limits of Growth Theory at the University of Salzburg .

His habilitation thesis at the University of Innsbruck is based on multiple regression models of global development. Tausch later completed this approach in Towards a Socio-Liberal Theory of World Development (1993).

As of June 2020, he published 22 books in English, two in French and eight in German, as well as over 100 articles in specialist journals and articles in daily newspapers. He is a member of the editorial board of several international science newspapers.

honors and awards

In 1998, his publication Towards a Socio-Liberal Theory of World Development (1993) was recognized by the United States Association of Academic and Research Libraries (ACRL) as one of the Outstanding Academic Books in the period 1993-1998.

Publications (selection)

  • Poverty and radicalism? Sociological Perspectives on the Integration of Muslims in Europe . European University Press 2013. ISBN 3-94148276-9
  • Dar Al Islam, The Mediterranean, the World System and the Wider Europe . Nova Science Publishers. 2005.
  • Beyond world social theories . 2. edit 1991 edition. ISBN 3-92677726-5
  • What 1.3 Billion Muslims Really Think . Nova Science Publishers 2009.
  • Russia's treadmill. Capitalist world system, long cycles and the new instability in the east. Kindle reading app. ISBN 3-92677729-X
  • Productive force social justice ?. Europe and the lessons of the "Pacific Model". Kindle reading app. ISBN 3-92677730-3
  • Beyond the world social theories: social transformations and paradigm shifts in d. Development research (= contributions to the sociology and social studies of Latin America , Volume 40) [Sozialwiss. Inst., Univ. Erlangen-Nürnberg], Fink, Munich 1987, ISBN 3-7705-2423-3 .

Individual evidence

  1. External statements on the habilitation , last accessed on February 13, 2014.
  2. Arno Tausch: The limits of the growth theory. Vienna Institute for Development, 1976.
  3. Meetings and a. by Michael Nollert in Swiss Journal for Sociology , 1988, 14, 2: pp. 354–359; by Hans-Heinrich Nolte in Das Argument , 1989, 173, pp. 134-136; by Kunibert Raffer in: Quarterly Reports. Problems of international cooperation of the ( Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ), 117, September 1989, pp. 311–313 as well as Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft , 1988, 14, 4, pp. 567–570.
  4. Political Studies , 1995, 43, 4, pp. 730-731 (quoted from the book review of Towards a Socio-Liberal Theory of World Development, 1993 )
  5. 1998. ACRL Choices outstanding academic books, 1992–1997, Rebecca Ann Bartlett.

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