Arnold Bonnus

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Arnold Bonnus (* 1542 in Lübeck ; † January 16, 1599 ibid) was a lawyer and mayor of the Hanseatic city of Lübeck.


Arnold Bonnus was the son of the first Lübeck superintendent Hermann Bonnus, who died in 1548 . When the father died, the mayor Anton von Stiten took care of the pregnant widow and six children. Together with his brother Hermann, Arnold Bonnus began studying law at the University of Rostock in October 1556 . In 1572 he became council secretary in Lübeck. In 1578 he was elected to the city council and appointed mayor in 1594. As mayor from 1595–99 he was the treasurer. To the outside world he represented the city as envoy in shipping matters in Sweden in 1579, in 1596 at the coronation celebrations of King Christian IV of Denmark and again in 1598 in Copenhagen . He was the editor of two posthumous writings of his father, the Enarrationes , a series of sermons on epistle texts, and the Inistutiones , a guide to prayer, and arranged for the new edition of Farrago . What he thought his father's best work, an ongoing declaration of all books of the Old Testament , was, had unfortunately been lost. Even after six years, Arnold Bonnus did not give up hope of getting it back, but at the same time threatened to prosecute anyone who had it printed without his consent or with the concealment of his father's name. A trip he had undertaken to Basel to obtain the lost manuscript had unfortunately not had the desired result. In addition, he emerged as the author of occasional works, one of which was mentioned in the catalog of the Königsberg library for St. John's Day .

Bonnus was married to Katharina Kuneke , a daughter of Joachim Kuneke , and lived in the Große Petersgrube 25 house in Lübeck. He was buried in the Petrikirche , where his epitaph has not been preserved and the grave slab described can no longer be verified. His daughter Magdalene married the mayor Lorenz Möller .


  • (Ed.) ENARRATIONES || SVCCINCTAE ET ERV- || ditae locorum insignium, || Praesertim è Paulinis & aliorum Apostolorum || epistolis desumptorum, quae singulis die = || bus Dominicis proponi solent: || A ̀ || … HERMANNO BONNO, || Ecclesiae Lubecensis Superintendente… || Eiusdem de ORATIONE uera & || Christiana Liber. Basel 1571 ( VD16 B 6628. VD16 B 6633)
  • (Ed.) Institutiones de modo et ratione orandi. Basel 1574
  • (Ed.) FARRAGO || PRAECIPVORVM || EXEMPLORVM DE || APOSTOLIS, MARTYRIBVS, || Episcopis, et Sanctis Patribus veteris Ecclesiae, || qui… || Christianae religioni fideliter patrocinati || sunt… || Per || HERMANNVM BON = || NVM, QVONDAM ECCLESIAE || LVBECENSIS SVPERINTENDEN- || tem… || collecta. || ... Rostock 1579 (VD16 B 6632)


Web links

Publications by and about Arnold Bonnus in VD 16 .

Individual evidence

  1. Entry in the Rostock matriculation portal
  2. ^ Bernhard Spiegel: Hermann Bonnus: First Superintendent of Lübeck and Reformer of Osnabrück. Osnabrück: Rossberg'sche Buchhandlung 1864, p. 114
  3. Axel E. Walter (Ed.): Königsberg book and library history. Cologne / Weimar: Böhlau 2004 (From archives, libraries and museums of Central and Eastern Europe 1) ISBN 978-3-412-08502-5 , p. 297