Arnold garbage

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Arnold Müll (born November 1906 in Zeiden , Austria-Hungary ; † August 16, 1989 in Frankfurt am Main , Hesse ) was a German photographer and artist . He mainly photographed and drew steam locomotives .


Garbage was born in Transylvania as one of two sons of German parents. After attending elementary school, he began an apprenticeship in his father's metalworking shop. Even as a schoolboy he was fascinated by steam locomotives. Soon he recorded these in the first sketches. In 1924, Müll went to Germany to study there. His application to JAMaffei was unsuccessful. He then got a job in steel building and bridge construction in Leipzig and attended lectures at the State Academy for graphic arts and book trade . Garbage then moved to Lauchhammer , where he worked in bridge construction. In 1936 another move to Frankfurt am Main followed. There he worked for the large-scale plant manufacturer Lurgi . He also studied for a semester at the Städelschule . From 1943 until the end of the Second World War , garbage served in the Wehrmacht , mainly in Romania . While retreating he was wounded in Czechoslovakia . After the end of the war he continued to work at Lurgi, most recently as chief engineer, and stayed there until his retirement.

For many years, Müll dedicated himself to the photographic documentation of steam locomotives, not only in Germany, but also in his old homeland. He artistically processed many impressions of old steam locomotives that could no longer be photographed using drawing pen and line techniques as well as colored pencil layer painting.

Müll contributed the photos and drawings for several books about steam locomotives. His extensive estate with photos, drawings and slides is partly in Lucerne , partly with his nephew Dietmar Mieskes in Landshut , who makes the material available on a website.

Publications (selection)

  • The last steam locomotives in the Frankfurt area. (with Richard Heinersdorff, photos by Arnold Müll) Hoffmann and Campe, Hamburg, 1981, 176 pages, ISBN 978-3455087758 .
  • The beautiful sixties. Nostalgia in steam. Stuttgart, Franckh-Kosmos, 1987, 143 pages, ISBN 978-3440057865 .
  • The wide world of rail tracks: large railways, bold buildings, fast trains and locomotives all over the world. (by Karl-Ernst Maedel , collaborator with W. Biedenkopf and others. Text drawing by Arnold Müll.) Franck'sche Verlagshandlung, Stuttgart, 1965.

Web links

  • : The steam locomotive and the Orient Express, Zeiden-Siebenbürgen and the mountains of Arnold Müll.
  • : Dietmar Mieskes takes care of the artistic estate of Arnold Müll.