Arnold Schuback

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Arnold Schuback

Arnold Schuback (born November 28, 1762 in Hamburg ; † April 17, 1826 there ) was a German private scholar, editor of the journal Relations Courier. , Collector and genealogist


The Schuback family was a wealthy and respected family in excellent positions in Hamburg. His grandfather Nicolaus Schuback was Hamburg's mayor. His father Nikolaus Schuback was a Hamburg merchant.


Johann Martin Müller (1722–1781), Rector of the Johanneum , described Schuback in 1781 as Primus of the school, followed in the same year by studying theology at the University of Göttingen .


During his studies under Less , Walch and Michaelis , he also turned to history under Spittler and in 1787 was appointed a corresponding member of the Historical Institute of the University of Göttingen.

Live and act

Tomb in the Heckengarten open-air museum , Ohlsdorf cemetery

When he returned to Hamburg, he worked for some time as a teacher in a private institution and then turned to his real interests. In order to expand his knowledge, he acquired scientific literature for at least 2000 Thaler annually and put on a coin collection. During his work as administrator of the city archives, head of the general poor institution and on the board of the Hamburg prison institutions, Friedrich Clemens Gerke worked for Schuback from 1817 to 1818 .

to travel

In order to expand his knowledge beyond Hamburg, he traveled to almost all of Germany in 30 years, including Denmark, France, England, Switzerland and Sweden.


His collection of 10,000 to 12,000 books was listed by the auctioneer Peter Simon Brödermann in 1834 and part of it was auctioned by the City of Hamburg, as the City of Hamburg refused to comply with the testamentary provisions of the testator.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c Hans Brecht: Friedrich Clemens Gerke an almost forgotten Hamburg writer and inventor. 88 pp. From page 43-88 online (pp. 44 and 45) , accessed on May 26, 2014
  2. a b c d e f Friedrich August Schmidt and Bernhardt Friedrich Voigt : New Nekrolog der Deutschen. Fourth year, 1826., first part ., Bernh. Fr. Voigt., Ilmenau 1828., 500 pp., Google Books (online), pp. 272-277
  3. ^ F. Georg Buek : Genealogical and biographical notes on the mayors of Hamburg who have died since the Reformation. , Johann August Meißner. Hamburg 1840., 324 pp. Google Books (online) , p. 238