Arthur F. Utz

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Arthur Fridolin Utz (born April 15, 1908 in Basel ; † October 18, 2001 in Villars-sur-Glâne ) was a Swiss Dominican and social philosopher who was considered the nestor of Catholic social teaching .


In 1928 Utz entered the Dominican order. Before the war he began teaching philosophy at the Dominican University of Philosophy and Theology in Walberberg near Bonn. In 1937 he received his doctorate with a moral theological thesis with the Spanish Thomist Santiago María Ramírez de Dulanto (1891-1967). Utz was an active member of the Catholic student union Carolingia-Friborg in the KV .

He later returned to the Albertus Magnus Academy in Walberberg, where he taught philosophy and also studied economics .

In 1945 he was appointed to the chair for ethics and social philosophy in the philosophical faculty of the University of Friborg (Switzerland) . Utz participated in the founding of the International Institute for Social Sciences and Politics . From 1949 he published the journal Politeia , which developed into a platform for international social science. The founding intention and objective of the institute was to apply Catholic social teaching to current political and social problems.

Utz was President of the International Humanum Foundation and in this capacity headed the Scientia Humana Institute in Bonn . This foundation was the fulfillment of the mandate of the pastoral constitution of the Second Vatican Council Gaudium et Spes , i.e. to promote the dialogue between world and church and to provide an effective forum for this purpose.

Utz was also chairman of the Walberberg Institute for Social Sciences . After the death of Oswald von Nell-Breuning , he was considered the nestor of Catholic social ethics.


Publications (selection)

  • Freedom and Bonding of Property , Kerle, Heidelberg 1975
  • Ethics and politics. Current basic questions of social, economic and legal philosophy. Collected essays , Seewald, Stuttgart 1970
  • Between neoliberalism and neo-Marxism. The philosophy d. 3. Weges , Hanstein, Cologne 1975, ISBN 3-7756-7557-4
  • The social order , Bonn 1986, ISBN 3-922183-14-X


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