Arthur Proell

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Arthur Pröll (born June 5, 1876 in Bad Gastein , † June 29, 1957 ) was an Austrian aircraft technology engineer and university professor .


Arthur was the son of the well-known spa doctor Gustav Pröll in Bad Gastein and a Protestant Dutch woman. After graduating from high school , he studied mechanical engineering at the Technical Universities of Graz under Otto Nussbaumer and in Berlin and received his doctorate in engineering. From 1900 he was an assistant at the TH Graz, then at the shipbuilding company Georg Seebeck AG in Bremerhaven and completed study trips to the USA, Germany and France. In 1909 he completed his habilitation at the TH Danzig and in 1913 was appointed full professor for mechanics and aircraft technology at the TH Hannover .

During the First World War, Pröll was a reserve officer in the Austro-Hungarian army until autumn 1916 and later became head of the test group of the Austro-Hungarian aviation arsenal Aspern near Vienna. He then continued his apprenticeship in Hanover until his retirement in 1945. He headed the Institute for Aerodynamics and Aviation Technology , represented the entire field of aviation and strongly promoted the aircraft and engine industry. In Hanover he was an aviation pioneer with a broad impact. His PhD student Georg Madelung designed the pioneering glider for Akaflieg Hannover HAWA Vampyr in 1921 . In the Nazi state he received important orders from the Reich Aviation Ministry for developing armaments for air torpedoes and fighter planes, including jet engines . At the end of 1944, funds for a relocation to the Harz with a wind tunnel system and a. approved for anti-aircraft missile research . Pröll was not a member of the NSDAP , but signed the confession of the German professors to Adolf Hitler in November 1933 . He took on a leading role in the synchronized German Air Sports Association , from which the Nazi Fliegerkorps emerged .


  • Flight technology: Basics of aerobatics , Oldenbourg, Munich 1919
  • The possibilities for a short start : Communication from the German Academy of Aviation Research submitted on January 12, 1940, Oldenbourg 1941
  • Basics of aeromechanics and flight mechanics , Springer, Berlin 1951


  • A. Kauther, P. Wirtz: The lone fighter Dorner. From the life of the aircraft manufacturer, pilot and entrepreneur Hermann Dorner (1882–1963) , 2011
  • Arthur Pröll , in: Munzinger Archive
  • Michael Jung: “Our hearts beat to the Führer with great enthusiasm”: The Technical University of Hanover and its professors under National Socialism. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2013, ISBN 978-3-8482-6451-3 . (partly online)

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