Ashikaga Yoshizumi

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Ashikaga Yoshizumi ( Japanese 足 利 義 澄 ; * January 15, 1478 ; † September 6, 1511 ) was the 11th Shogun of the Ashikaga Shogunate . He ruled Japan from 1493 to 1508 during the Muromachi period . He was the son of Ashikaga Masatomo and grandson of the 6th Shogun, Ashikaga Yoshinori .

He was adopted by the 8th Shogun, Ashikaga Yoshimasa , and later installed as Seii Taishogun by Hosokawa Masamoto , but was deprived of his title by the 10th Shogun, Ashikaga Yoshitane , in 1508, who then became Shogun for the second time.

His son Ashikaga Yoshiharu became the 12th Shogun.


  • E. Papinot: Historical and geographical dictionary of Japan. Rutland, Vermont, Tokyo, 1992, ISBN 0-8048-0996-8

Individual evidence

  1. E.Papinot: Historical and geographical dictionary of Japan, S. 34
  2. ^ Isaac Titsingh: Annales des empereurs du japon , 1834