Ashmolean Museum

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The neoclassical main entrance to the Ashmolean Museum

The current Ashmolean Museum (Ashmolean Museum of Art and Archeology) is a museum built in Oxford in 1845 as the University Gallery . It has housed the Ashmolean collection since 1894.


In its previous building, the collection opened on May 24th . / June 3, 1683 greg. the doors to the audience. It was the world's first university-affiliated museum, and the first museum to be housed in a purpose-built building. The first collection holdings were mainly the holdings of the Musaeum Tradescantianum , a collection of rarities by the two royal gardeners John Tradescant (father and son). Her collection went to the death of the younger Tradescant to Elias Ashmole over, who the 1678 Oxford University andi duck. The first exhibits included old coins, books, engravings and preparations such as that of a dodo . The museum's first curator was Robert Plot .

A plethora of other acquisitions in the first half of the 19th century forced the construction of new premises. In 1845 a building designed by architect Charles Robert Cockerell for the university's art collections was completed. The relocation of the university collections to a house was completed in 1894.

The “William Cohn Memorial Lecture” in memory of William Cohn has been held in the museum every year since 1963 .

Extension and remodeling

Between 2006 and 2009, an extension planned by the British architect Rick Mather was built, which significantly expanded the exhibition area. Objects that were previously in a magazine can thus be shown to the public for the first time. Until 2011, thanks to donations, including from the Linbury Foundation of department store owner David Sainsbury's , the halls were redesigned for ancient Egyptian and Nubian antiquities.


The collections grew over time. In addition to the pieces given by Elias Ashmole, the museum displays many archeological and art objects, among others

A large collection of Minoan and Mycenaean ceramics goes on a legacy of Arthur Evans , a British archaeologist and later curator of the museum, back.

The most valuable piece in the museum is the Alfred Jewel made of gold, enamel and rock crystal.

Exhibited works (selection)


  • 2011: Heracles to Alexander: Treasures from the Royal Capital of Macedonia. A Hellenic Kingdom in the Age of Democracy . Catalog.
  • 2017: Raphael: The Drawings , then Albertina , Vienna. Catalog.

See also

Web links

Commons : Ashmolean Museum  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ashmolean Museum: History , accessed June 6, 2009.
  2. ^ Ashmolean Museum in: Microsoft Encarta
  3. ^ Platz dem Kushitischen Pharaoh in: FAZ of December 30, 2011, page 33.
  4. ^ David Thompson: Watches in the Ashmolean Museum. Oxford 2007.

Coordinates: 51 ° 45 ′ 20 "  N , 1 ° 15 ′ 38"  W.