Askanian Seniors' Convention

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ASC memorandum of 1907

The Askanische Senioren-Convent (ASC) was an amalgamation of the corps at the Friedrichs-Polytechnikum (Köthen) . At the head of the student body, he supported the (unsuccessful) struggle of the Polytechnic for its upgrading as a technical university . For their part, striving for “academic” recognition, the Köthener Corps joined the Rudolstadt Senior Citizens' Convention (RSC) in 1928 . The dispute over this caused the RSC and, in 1934, also the Weinheim Senior Citizens' Convention, the most serious conflicts. In the WSC they weren't settled until the 1950s.


Polytechnic Cöthen

When the private technical training institute was founded in Cöthen in 1891, a colorful, predominantly weapons student life emerged . The Association of German Student Associations and Catholic Corporations were also represented. In the winter semester of 1897/98, the Landsmannschaften Suevia and Baltia formed the Convent of the United Landsmannschaften , which was renamed the Cöthener Landsmannschafter Convent in 1899 . When the college became a polytechnic in 1905, the CLC country teams wanted to join a larger corporation . They saw the conversion to corps as a prerequisite for this ; because the Coburg Landsmannschafts-Convent was only represented at universities . On the other hand, as polytechnical corporations, they would be able to meet the admission requirements for corps at technical universities .

Establishment of the ASC

Baltia's corp house
Markomannia's house on Bernburger Strasse

The compatriots Baltia and Suevia disbanded on February 22nd and 26th, 1906, in order to found the Askanischen Seniors' Convent as a corps on the same day . The association Markomannia, also converted into a corps, joined the ASC in 1906. Germania was added in 1919. The cohesion among the four ASC Corps was good. In the interwar period they met every year in Berlin . In 1921 they fought the uprisings in Upper Silesia in Freikorps .

The Cöthen student body successfully endeavored to rapprochement and integration into the student organizations in the German Reich . She had signed a working agreement with the German student body . The Cöthener Hochschulring German style was in the German Hochschulring . In the winter semester of 1920/21, Markomannia initiated the establishment of a weapons ring . The ASC took the lead on the matter; on January 14, 1922 the General Cöthener Waffenring was created .

The commercial college was neither nationalized nor upgraded to a technical college; because it lacked the maturity principle that Diplomierungsrecht to engineer and doctoral degrees . In addition, the corporations of the Rector and Senate became estranged . These difficulties prompted the ASC Corps Baltia, Suevia and Germania from 1927 to consider a joint move to a technical university. Markomannia went its own way and merged with the RSC-Corps Brunsviga in 1928.

RSC crisis around Cöthen

Baltia voted in May 1928 to move to a technical college. Since the rejection by the Weinheim Senior Citizens 'Convention was assumed, a connection to the Rudolstadt Senior Citizens' Convention should be sought. In a working agreement between the corps associations KSCV , WSC and RSC (which later became obsolete) , the WSC had, however, stipulated the prerogative of a possible takeover of the ASC corps in 1922. In order to bundle the activities, the three old rulers formed a joint association. He elected Hans Bredow as chairman. Bredow negotiated determinedly with the presidium and the suburb corps of the RSC. It was soon agreed on the correctness and admissibility of the merger. Complications arose in the question of which RSC corps the ASC corps should usefully unite with. In order to maintain the very good cohesion, the ASC Corps wanted to choose the university location themselves and merge with the selected RSC Corps; their membership in the cartel should be taken into account as far as possible. In contrast, the thoughts of those responsible for the RSC were determined to strengthen the RSC corps with the ASC Corps (Lugia and Silingia Breslau, Rheno-Burgundia Berlin and Gothia Dresden). Some RSC corps had conducted direct merger negotiations with ASC corps and had largely reached agreement.

After a merger permit, a bitter dispute broke out in the RSC in 1928 over the association's expansion policy and the lack of equality between the ASC Corps (and the Cöthener Polytechnic) and the RSC Corps. The Presidium of the RSC stood by the ASC, but could not maintain its resolution to transfer the ASC Corps to the designated corps. Since the resolutions passed formally complied with the RSC statutes, the majority of them were confirmed at an extraordinary RSC convention: the ASC Corps Suevia and Germania were allowed to merge with the RSC Corps Hannoverania, Baltia with Albingia. The RSC stipulated that students in the RSC Corps in Köthen were only shown as traffic guests, if necessary, had to catch up on their school-leaving exams and play reception games . They were only allowed to wear the boys' ribbon after passing their exams. As a result of the dispute over the Koethen question , 17 corps resigned from the RSC. Two corps had to renounce because they had prematurely concluded merger agreements with Baltia and Askania. As a member of the board of directors of the RSC-Altherrenbund, Boigk described the "Cöthen crisis".


  • Askanischer Senioren-Convent (ed.): Memorandum of the ASC for submission to the Duke of Anhalt for the purpose of upgrading the Polytechnic to TH (78 pages, illustrated). Preuss, Cöthen 1907.
  • Hans Bredow : Statement by the dissident corps on the situation from January 5, 1930 and Franconia Berlin from July 15, 1930 .
  • Erwin Willmann: The crisis in the RSC In: Michael Doeberl (Hg.): The academic Germany , Vol. 2: The German universities and their academic citizens . Berlin 1931, pp. 297-299.
  • Horst-G. Richter: 100 years of engineering training 1891–1991 , commemorative publication. Technische Hochschule Köthen, Köthen 1991, pp. 3–12.
  • Heinrich Diedler: The Askanische SC zu Cöthen and its corps , in: Sebastian Sigler : Stand up - and stand! Festschrift for Klaus Gerstein . Essen 2010, ISBN 978-3-939413-13-4 , pp. 259-278. PDF file

Individual evidence

  1. a b Kartellblatt des White Cartel in RSC / WSC, Issue 2, March 1930.
  2. ^ Gerhard Schulze: 125 years Corps Hannoverania , p. 50, p. 52 f.
  3. Heinrich Diedler: The History of Rudolstädter Senior Convents . Einst und Jetzt , Vol. 55 (2010), pp. 219-366.