Astronomy program

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As astronomy programs usually are computer programs called that allow the user to the starry sky to represent faithfully and movements of the heavenly bodies to understand (stars, planets, moon, etc.).


Similar to the planetarium , the starry sky is displayed on the monitor so that it can be observed virtually. Place, date and time are generally freely selectable and allow the directions, rising and setting of stars to be determined and different constellations to be simulated ( conjunctions , oppositions , moon phases , comets , eclipses ). Some programs display sections of the sky or star maps in different projections, also in animations or allow the output of tabular data, such as the ephemeris of planets for a selectable duration and frequency.

Some programs also support the control of telescopes, others allow virtual journeys to the planetary system and the distant outer space .

Furthermore, the documentation provided usually provides a detailed introduction to the subject areas of observational astronomy and celestial mechanics .

Other astronomy programs create statistics on the basis of the data they have brought with them and present the user with the most beautiful and extraordinary objects (e.g. with text and images). Some also bring a collection of formulas, while others teach the user the criteria for the creation of life. This type of astronomy software primarily appeals to (hobby) astronomers who are interested in theory.


Surname License Remarks
Celestia Free software (GPL) Current version: 1.6.1 (June 10, 2011). Operating systems: Linux, FreeBSD, macOS, Windows.
KStars Free software
Sky charts Free software
Stellarium Free software Current version: 0.18.3 (12/22/2018). Operating systems: Windows, macOS, Unix derivatives.
Asynx Planetarium Freeware
Home Planet Freeware
Google Sky Freeware
HNSKY Freeware
The planetarium 1900–2100 Freeware
WinStars Freeware
Space engine Freeware
iHubelmatt Freeware
CalSky online planetarium Freeware
Planet search Freeware
3 D atlas of the universe chargeable
CyberSky chargeable
DeepSky chargeable
RedShift chargeable
Starry Night chargeable
The sky chargeable
Universe sandbox chargeable
XEphem chargeable
Guide Astronomy Program
Skyglobe Abandonware Latest version: 4.0 (July 1994). Operating systems: MS-DOS, Windows 3.1, Windows 95.
Sirius Data Becker , 1993
Exo-DB 2 set

Star maps online

Websites running interactive astronomy programs:

  • - Java application in the browser - no longer available (January 4, 2019)

See also

  • Star map - classic print maps, partly digitized

Individual evidence

  1. Asynx Planetarium
  3. CalSky
  4. Planet search version 4
  5. last Exo-DB 2 snapshot in ( Memento from October 3, 2008 in the Internet Archive )