Athos Damasceno Ferreira

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Athos Damasceno Ferreira , also known as the author Athos Damasceno (born September 3, 1902 in Porto Alegre , Rio Grande do Sul , † April 14, 1975 ibid) was a Brazilian poet , writer , translator , journalist , literary critic and historian .

He is considered the most important historian and chronicler of the city of Porto Alegre, is the founder of Riograndens art history and has made outstanding contributions to the history of his home country in the areas of culture and society. He was a defender of the re-evaluation of regionalism ; his achievements as a poet and narrator are less remembered today.


Athos Damasceno was the son of João de Armando Damasceno Ferreira and Ana Dias da Silva. He earned a degree in languages ​​and humanities and began studying law in Rio de Janeiro without completing it. After returning to Porto Alegre, he entered the public service and worked in state ministries, first in the Secretariat of the Interior ( Secretaria do Interior ), later in the Secretariat for Education and Culture ( Secretaria de Educação e Cultura ), where he remained until his retirement headed the literature department. Since 1917 he has worked as a journalist and columnist (especially from crônicas) in magazines and newspapers such as Mascara , Província de São Pedro , Eco do Sul , Ilustração Rio-Grandense , Tribuna Ilustrada , Gazeta do Povo , A Federação , Diário de Notícias and Correio do Povo . He worked as a translator for the publisher Editora Globo , was the founder and president of the Fundação Eduardo Guimarães, a member of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Rio Grande do Sul and the Comissão Estadual do Folclore (State Commission for Folklore).


His 500-page Artes Plásticas no Rio Grande do Sul , published in 1971, is considered a magnum opus and is still considered the standard work today . This art history covers the time since the Sete Povos das Missões ( Eastern Missions ) from around 1750, through the province of Rio Grande do Sul in the 19th century to the beginnings of the Gaúchos state in the 20th century.


  • Poemas da Minha Cidade. Livraria do Globo, Porto Alegre 1936. (Poems)
  • Imagens Sentimentais da Cidade. Roteiro de Porto Alegre. Crônicas evocativas. Livraria do Globo, Porto Alegre 1940. ( Crônicas , mixed columns)
  • Jornais Críticos e Humorísticos de Porto Alegre no século XIX. Livraria do Globo, Porto Alegre 1944. (Cultural history: press)
  • O Teatro em Porto Alegre no seculo XIX. Faculdade de Filosofia da UFRGS, Porto Alegre 1954. (Cultural history: theater history)
  • Palco, Salão e Picadeiro em Porto Alegre no Século XIX. Editora Globo, Porto Alegre 1956. (Cultural history)
  • Apontamentos para os estudo da indumentária no Rio Grande do Sul. UFRGS, Porto Alegre 1957. (Cultural history: traditional costume)
  • Sociedades Literárias em Porto Alegre no Século XIX. UFRGS, Porto Alegre 1962. (Cultural history: literary societies)
  • Persianas verdes. Contos e manchas. Editora Globo, Porto Alegre 1967. (Short stories)
  • O Carnaval Porto-alegrense no Século XIX. Livraria do Globo, Porto Alegre 1970. (Cultural history: Carnival)
  • Artes Plásticas no Rio Grande do Sul. Editora Globo, Porto Alegre 1971. (Art history: painting)
  • Colóquios com a minha Cidade. Crônicas Editora Globo, Porto Alegre 1974. (Crônicas)
  • Imprensa Literária de Porto Alegre no Século XIX. Edições UFRGS, Porto Alegre 1975. (Cultural history: publishing)


  • Poesias. Póstumo. Livraria do Globo, Porto Alegre 1979 (collection of poems in one volume, 208 pages)

None of his works has yet been translated into German.


Web links

Commons : Athos Damasceno Ferreira  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Gabriela Correa da Silva: O Regionalismo Sul-Rio-Grandense de Athos Damasceno e sua Polêmica com Vargas Netto (1932). UFRGS, Porto Alegre 2011, pp. 9-10. Retrieved November 11, 2017 (Portuguese).
  2. Leonil Martinez: Xarque com Assucar. Pelotas com Nordeste: contraponto de extremos no paladar cultural brasileiro. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Florianópolis 2000, pp. 121-122. Retrieved November 11, 2017 (PDF, 1.3 MB, Portuguese).
  3. Joana Bosak de Figueiredo: Athos Damasceno Ferreira: To Discurso Fundador na Historiografia da Arte do Rio Grande do Sul. In: Anais do XXXIV Colóquio do Comitê Brasileiro de História da Arte: Territórios da História da Arte. Volume 1. Universidade Federal de Uberlândia, Uberlândia 2014, pp. 43–47. Retrieved November 11, 2017 (PDF, 161 KB, Portuguese).