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Hybrid of European flag and stars and stripes

As Atlanticist used to describe people who do not orient themselves in their identity on a single European or North American nation state, but rather a definition of certain values in the foreground represent. This includes appreciation for the free market economy , liberalism and democracy as well as identification with the countries that represent these values, in particular the United States , the United Kingdom , Germany and other countries in (Western) Europe .


The term is derived from the transatlantic relationship between Western Europe and the USA. These relationships shaped the development of Western Europe during the Cold War , when the close cooperation between these states was of existential importance for the economic development ( Marshall Plan ) and the military protection ( NATO ) of Europe and especially of West Germany.

A core element and a historical basis for this cooperation is the relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States , which formulated their common foreign policy principles in the Atlantic Charter during World War II . Even today, Atlanticists advocate close cooperation between Europe and the USA, especially in matters of foreign and defense policy in order to safeguard common long-term interests.

As a rule, Atlanticists therefore advocate transnational economic ties and advocate a free market economy, as this - from their point of view - contributes to improved international cooperation. They are opponents of a protectionist economic policy that is limited to a single state.

Atlanticists distance themselves from nationalist , communist / socialist and isolationist movements. They can often be found in the conservative and economically liberal spectrum.

In addition to political Atlanticism, there is also economic Atlanticism. In the 1970s, Hoechst , Krupp , Thyssen , Dresdner Bank and AEG were part of the Atlantic-oriented part of German industry in Germany. In politics and the press, Ludwig Erhard , Gerhard Schröder (CDU) and Kai-Uwe von Hassel , Der Spiegel , der Stern , Die Zeit , the Sonntagsblatt and Christ und Welt were considered great Atlanteans. As part of Axel Springer SE, Die Welt und die Bild even commit their employees to their principles, including "Support for the transatlantic alliance and solidarity in the free community of values ​​with the United States of America."


  • Franz Eibl: Politics of the Movement - Gerhard Schröder as Foreign Minister 1961-1966 , Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich 2001, ISBN 3486565508
  • Tim Geiger: Atlanticists against Gaullists: Foreign policy conflict and intra-party power struggle in the CDU / CSU 1958-1969 , Oldenbourg Verlag, Munich 2008, ISBN 348658586X
  • Kees Van Der Pijl : The Making of the Atlantic Ruling Class , Verso, London 1984, ISBN 0860910938 Readable online here.


  • Henk Overbeek: Atlanticism and Europeanism in British Foreign Policy , in: Henk Overbeek (ed.): Restructuring Hegemony in the Global Political Economy , Routledge, London / New York 2002, ISBN 0203411862
  • Manlio Graziano: The Rise and Fall of 'Mediterranean Atlanticism' in Italian Foreign Policy: The Case of the Near East , in: Modern Italy, 2007, 12: 3, pp. 287-308.
  • Sotiris Rizas: Atlanticism and Europeanism in Greek foreign and security policy in the 1970s , in: Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, 2008, 8: 1, pp. 51-66.
  • Hans Mouritzen: Denmark's super Atlanticism , in: Journal of Transatlantic Studies, 2008, 5: 2, pp. 155–167.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. ^ David X. Noack: Capital factions in Germany II - Atlanticists and Gaullists (1944-1987) , in: Heartland Blog, October 1, 2011. Available here.
  2. Axel Springer SE # Principles