August Brunetti-Pisano

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August Brunetti-Pisano (born October 24, 1870 in St. Gilgen , † September 1, 1943 in Salzburg ) was an Austrian composer.

As a piano teacher for the Trakl family, he taught Georg Trakl and his siblings. For a long time he was the president of the Pan Art Society in Salzburg. In 1926 a Brunetti company was founded in Vienna .

As a late romantic in a time of upheaval, while new musical styles such as impressionism , expressionism , atonality and twelve-tone music emerged, he remained unsuccessful and fell into oblivion. But it has been rediscovered since 2005.



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Individual evidence

  1. Baptismal Register - TFBVI | St. Gilgen | Salzburg, rk. Diocese | Austria | Matricula Online. Retrieved November 7, 2019 .