August Friedrich Horstmann

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August Friedrich Horstmann (1899)

August Friedrich Horstmann (born November 20, 1842 in Mannheim , † October 8, 1929 in Heidelberg ) was a German chemist.


His parents were the colonial goods wholesaler Georg Friedrich Horstmann (1805–1876) and Charlotte Friederike, geb. Charcoal burner. He attended the Lyceum and the Higher Civic School, which he dropped out after the seventh grade because of his nearsightedness. He then did a commercial apprenticeship in his father's company. When after three years his eyes proved to be an obstacle, he got the idea to study natural sciences.

From 1862 he studied chemistry in Heidelberg with Emil Erlenmeyer due to the lack of a high school diploma as a listener and received his doctorate in 1865 after declaring that he did not want to enter the civil service. He continued his studies in Zurich with Johannes Wislicenus and Rudolf Clausius , who discovered the Second Law of Thermodynamics . From 1866 he studied in Bonn with Hans Heinrich Landolt . In 1867 he was on the elastic-body liquid relationship between molecular weight and specific gravity habilitiert and was approved as a private theoretical chemistry of Arts. In 1870 he received the title of associate professor. However, because of increasing weakness of the eyes he could not win a group of students. In 1882 he gave up his own laboratory. From 1909 he was an extraordinary member of the Heidelberg Academy of Sciences .

In 1873 he married Clothilde Henriette Gernandt (1844–1921), with whom he had five children. In 1902 he went blind.

He investigated vapor densities and dissociation phenomena as well as molar volumes depending on the constitution. Since he applied the second law of thermodynamics to chemical equilibrium, he is considered one of the founders of chemical thermodynamics . He provided a first description of autocatalysis .


  • Treatises on the thermodynamics of chemical processes . Edited by JH van't Hoff. Ostwald's Classic No. 137, Leipzig 1903, Archive


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Family Horstmann , access 7 January 2011
  2. ^ Members of the HAdW since it was founded in 1909. August Friedrich Horstmann. Heidelberg Academy of Sciences, accessed on July 5, 2016 .