August Osvald Westrèn-Doll

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August Osvald Westrèn-Doll

August Osvald Westrèn-Doll (born November 9, 1882 in Fellin , Livonia ; † May 24, 1961 in Göttingen ) was a Baltic German Lutheran theologian and pastor .


August Osvald westren-Doll studied from 1901 to 1906 at the University to Tartu and from 1906 to 1907 in Berlin theology . From 1909 to 1924 he worked as a pastor at the St. Bartholomäi Church in Dorpat. From 1920 he was provost there . Other parish offices that Westrèn-Doll held were Fellin (1924–1939), Krangen ( Prussian Stargard district ) in West Prussia (1939–1940), Marienburg i. Western pr. (1940) and finally the St. Anne's parish in Elbing , where he held office until he was expelled by the Polish authorities.

Westrèn-Doll served as President of the Estonian Scholarly Society from 1922 to 1927.

From 1953 he was an honorary member of the Baltic Historical Commission .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Frank Pawassa: Jaekab's sons (Jaekaba deli): A Baltic family. P. 416. ( limited preview with Google Book Search ).