August Wellauer

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August Wellauer (born June 9, 1798 in Breslau , † June 26, 1831 in Vienna ) was a German classical philologist and high school teacher.

Wellauer showed great talent even in his childhood: After private lessons, he went to the Maria Magdalenen Gymnasium at the age of seven and to the Friedrichsgymnasium at the age of nine, where he passed the school leaving examination at the age of sixteen. He then studied philology and theology at the University of Breslau , where he was accepted into the pedagogical seminar in 1817 and received his doctorate in October 1819 . His academic teachers included Karl Ernst Christoph Schneider and Franz Passow .

One year after his doctorate, Wellauer's habilitation followed at the university (October 1820), where he has since held lectures and exercises as a private lecturer, even after he worked as the seventh teacher at the Maria Magdalenen grammar school in 1821. It was not until 1826 that he gave up teaching at the university. In 1827 he was appointed prorector and high school professor at the Elisabet High School. He died at the age of 33 from complications from a protracted breast disease on his return from a spa trip to Trieste.

In addition to teaching at university and school, Wellauer was also scientifically active. He wrote numerous essays on Greek literature. In addition to his qualifying writings on the tragedian Aeschylus (1819) and the Attic Festival of Thesmophoria (1820), he published text editions of Aeschylus (two volumes, Leipzig 1823–1824. Reprinted Cambridge 1827) and the epic poet Apollonios of Rhodes (two volumes, Leipzig 1828) and a Lexicon Aeschyleum (Leipzig 1831). His critical edition of Apollonios represented great progress, as Wellauer used various manuscripts, carefully documented text variants and made philologically viable emendations for the text form .


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