August Wilhelm von Wangenheim

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August Wilhelm von Wangenheim ( baptized January 10, 1697 ; † November 25, 1764 ) was a German court official and court marshal of Brunswick-Lüneburg .


August Wilhelm von Wangenheim, a scion of the von Wangenheim family and the eldest son of the chief forest and hunter Hartmann Ludwig von Wangenheim and Anna Magdalena von Reden from the family resident at Franzburg

In the service of the Guelphs , August Wilhelm von Wangenheim served since the beginning of the personal union between Great Britain and Hanover in 1714, first as court squire , from 1720 as chamberlain , from 1729 as thigh and from 1735 as castle captain .

From 1739 von Wangenheim took on the tasks of a Calenberg district treasury council "from the Gottingen quarter", whereby he also belonged to the treasury and was a member of the large and narrow landscape committee.

In 1755 von Wangenheim was appointed court marshal with the rank of lieutenant general with a salary of 2,425 thalers .

Von Wangenheim's daughter Anne Eleonore Catharine or Anne Eleonore Catharina , niece of General Georg August von Wangenheim (1706–1780), first married the Hanoverian General Johann Georg von Ilten and, after his death in 1752, the Legation Councilor Hans Ernst von Hardenberg from the Hinterhaus Hardenberg line. Von Wangenheim was the brother-in-law of the Privy Councilor, Friedrich Carl von Hardenberg . After his death in 1764 von Wangenheim was replaced by his son-in-law Hans Ernst von Hardenberg as the government's interlocutor.

See also

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Horst Kruse : Estates and government - antipodes? The calenbergisch-göttingsche Landesstands 1715 - 1802 (= sources and representations on the history of Lower Saxony , volume 121), also dissertation 1997 at the University of Hanover, Hanover: Verlag Hahnsche Buchhandlung, 2000, ISBN 978-3-7752-5836-4 and ISBN 3 -7752-5836-1 , p. 111, especially p. 295; limited preview in Google Book search
  2. ^ Ernst Heinrich Kneschke : German count houses of the present. In heraldic, historical and genealogical relation , Volume 3: AZ , Leipzig: TO Weigel, 1854; Digitized via Google books
  3. Joachim Lampe: v. Wangenheim, August Wilhelm , in the other: Aristocracy, court nobility and state patriciate in Kurhannover. The spheres of life of the higher officials at the Electoral Hanoverian central and court authorities 1714 - 1760 (= Publications of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen , Volume 24) (= Studies on the history of the estates of Lower Saxony , Volume 2), Volume 2: Lists of officials and ancestors , Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1963, p. 58; limited preview in Google Book search
  4. Information in the catalog of the German National Library