Johann Georg von Ilten

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Johann Georg von Ilten (* 1688 ; † April 17, 1749 in Hanover ) was lieutenant general of Braunschweig-Lüneburg and most recently the governor of Hanover.


His parents were Jobst Hermann von Ilten (1649-1730) from the Hanoverian nobility family von Ilten and his wife Hedwig Lucia Grote (1649-1727). His brother Thomas Eberhard (1685–1757) became General War Commissioner .


The former house (left in the picture) of von Ilten, later of Georg Christian von Wangenheim in the Calenberger Neustadt ;
Watercolor by Georg Ludwig Friedrich Laves , 1835

In 1711 he was a captain in the Gauvin infantry regiment , and in 1719 he became adjutant general of General von Bülow during the Reich execution in Mecklenburg . He took over the guard on foot in 1733 and was appointed brigadier on June 28, 1735 and major general on July 7, 1739. In January 1742 he was appointed governor of Hanover and in 1742 he joined the Pontperin corps. In February 1743 he was appointed lieutenant general and in May 1745 he took over command of the corps in the Netherlands, which until then had been led by general Franz Karl von Wendt . But in 1746 he returned and General Georg Friedrich von Sommerfeld took over the unit. He died on April 17, 1749 in Hanover as commander of the guard, Sommerfeld then also succeeded him here. His epitaph was in the garrison church in Hanover.


In 1748 he married Anna Eleonore Catharina von Wangenheim (born November 19, 1731; † March 11, 1786), a daughter of Court Marshal August Wilhelm von Wangenheim and niece of General Georg August von Wangenheim (1706–1780). The short marriage remained childless. After the death of General von Ilten , the widow married Legation Councilor Hans Ernst von Hardenberg from the Hinterhaus Hardenberg line in 1752 .


Individual evidence

  1. According to Handlexikon 1687
  2. ^ Georg SchnathJobst Hermann von Ilten. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 10, Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1974, ISBN 3-428-00191-5 , p. 143 ( digitized version ).
  3. ^ History of the Royal Hanoverian Army , Volume 2, p. 106
  4. Fatherland Archives of the Historical Association for Lower Saxony , 1836, p. 266
  5. ^ Contributions to a family history of the Barons von Wangenheim of both tribes, second book, p. 708