Auguste François Marie Glaziou

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Acta Horti mountain.  - 1905 - tafl.  139 - Auguste François Marie Glaziou.jpg

Auguste François Marie Glaziou (born August 30, 1828 in Lannion , Bretagne , † March 30, 1906 in Bourdeaux ) was a French landscape architect and botanist . Its official botanical author abbreviation is " Glaz. "


Glaziou initially obtained a degree in civil engineering. He then studied botany at the Muséum national d'histoire naturelle , where he deepened his knowledge of agriculture and horticulture. During the Hausmann reforms , Glaziou was heavily influenced by the work of urban planner Jean-Charles Alphand . In 1858 Glaziou moved to Rio de Janeiro at the invitation of Emperor Dom Pedro II , where he was appointed director of the garden and park administration. During his time in Brazil he played a key role in the garden and park design. He gave the Passeio Público a modern face and was responsible for the redesign of the Quinta da Boa Vista imperial residence . In addition, Glaziou was a passionate plant collector who assembled an extensive collection. In 1897 he returned to France, where he settled in Bordeaux and set up a private herbarium.

Together with Antoine Laurent Apollinaire Fée (1789–1874) Glaziou wrote the two-volume work “ Cryptogames vasculaire (Fougères, lycopodiacées, hydroptéridées, équisétacées) du Brésil (1869–1873) ”.

Dedication names

The genera Neoglaziovia , Glaziophyton and Glaziovia , as well as species names such as Arthrocereus glaziovii and Pradosia glaziovii, are named after Glaziou .

Web links

Commons : Auguste François Marie Glaziou  - Collection of images, videos and audio files