Training facility for Orthodox theology at the University of Munich

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The training organization of Orthodox Theology of the University of Munich is a scientific institute at the University of Munich , which has a Diploma - Degree of Orthodox theology offers and exclusively dedicated to the Orthodox theology.


In the German-speaking area, the Munich training facility for Orthodox theologians guarantees the only opportunity to study Orthodox theology as a university degree as a major and to acquire a corresponding diploma in Orthodox theology. At some other universities there is a chair where either Orthodox theology can be studied as a minor or Catholic theology with a focus on Eastern Church Studies .


Task of the new program is the training of clergy , religious teachers and catechists in Orthodox theology; In addition, a broader representation of Orthodox theology in research and teaching , the training of young academics and an academic exchange with the already existing theological faculties and relevant subjects within the university and beyond are aimed for.

Study opportunities

  • Course of study for obtaining a diploma in orthodox theology (Dipl. Theol. Univ.). According to the study regulations in force since June 3, 1997, the regular study period is nine semesters.
  • Doctorate in orthodox theology (Dr. theol.).
  • Orthodox theology as a minor.


The individual areas, each with their own methodology, are:


The "Training Facility for Orthodox Theology" is the continuation of the chair that has existed since 1984 and the expansion of the Institute for Orthodox Theology . It was created in July 1994, and since the 1995/96 winter semester the University of Munich has offered the option of full Orthodox studies; a possibility that until now was completely lacking at a state university in the whole of Western Europe .



The faculty consists of four full professors ; three professors are extra facultates and Prof. Nikolakopoulos is a member of the Catholic Theological Faculty with limited rights.

The courses offered by the Orthodox representatives are supplemented by the courses and research facilities of the Catholic Theological and Evangelical Theological Faculties and other faculties of the University of Munich . The students should make use of these courses within the scope of the subjects provided for in the study regulations.

Specialist publications

The training institution has published the Orthodox Forum magazine twice a year since 1987 - the magazine of the Institute for Orthodox Theology of the University of Munich (OFo). The periodical was founded by Theodor Nikolaou . The magazine has been published by Konstantin Nikolakopoulos since issue No. 1/2006 or year 20 .

Furthermore, the textbook series "Publications of the Institute for Orthodox Theology" (VIOTh) and "Liturgical Texts and Studies" (LTS) are published at irregular intervals.

Web links