Aydın Engin

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Aydın Engin (born February 12, 1941 in Ödemiş / İzmir ) is a Turkish theater author , director , journalist and columnist . He is married to the Turkish author Oya Baydar and has one son.


Engin and his wife Oya Baydar were imprisoned in Turkey in the 1980s for opposing the military government. Marked by his twelve-year exile in Frankfurt am Main , Engins wrote many bilingual musical comedies. The fictional Memet Taş family, who have lived in Germany for 27 years, plays an important role in this. German-Turkish topics such as integration , dual citizenship or Turkey's accession to the EU are still firmly on the program of the Ulüm Theater , for which he also arranged numerous productions himself. Equally well-known and often played is the humorous and ironic play Oh God, we're integrating! , which premiered on December 2, 1995 in Berlin's Tiyatrom and its conception is based on the classic Turkish Orta Oyunu .

Engin has lived in Istanbul since August 1992 . From 1992 to 2004 he worked as a columnist for the daily Cumhuriyet , in 2005 he co-founded the daily BirGün . After 2006, Engin worked as a freelance journalist. Since February 2009 he has been writing a daily column in a newly published Turkish Internet newspaper (tempo24.com.tr).

Accused of being a coup leader

In his 2016 column in Cumhuriyet , Engin quoted Kemal Ataturk's motto : Peace at home, peace in the world , a slogan that is still valid today. At the same time, he criticized the fact that the country is not at all peaceful. Because in the south-east of the country there would be civil war-like conditions. "Where is the inner peace in Turkey?" Asked Engin in his article.

His text appeared a few days before the failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016. A so-called “peace council”, who declared that he would take power that night, used the second half of this saying. For a public prosecutor, this is a sign in 2017 that Engin must have known about the coup. A total of 17 journalists are accused in the indictment of support or membership in the banned Kurdish workers' party PKK, the left-wing extremist DHKP-C or the Fethullah Gülen movement . The journalist calls these allegations against him “absurd” and “boring”.

“'Turkey today is not a constitutional state. The judicial organs are almost all under the control of the government '(Engin) ... He has never had such' bad days' in Turkey before. Compliance with freedom of expression, freedom of the press and human rights tends towards zero. "

- Engin, according to Die Zeit , July 23, 2017, online p. 2

Aydin Engin, 76 at the time of the indictment, was not detained like his colleagues because of his advanced age. The trial against him and other colleagues of the Cumhuriyet newspaper for supporting terrorism is currently ongoing (as of March 2018).


  • Oh god, we integrate!
  • Hello, Memet
  • Memet Dasch Vatandas (Citizen Memet Dasch)
  • Memet Dasch German-Danish
  • The Dasch family on vacation
  • Watch out, the Turks are coming!


See also


  1. a b "Day of the Imprisoned Writer" The Aydin Engin case: 76 years old, "Terrorist Supporters" | SWR2 . In: swr.online . ( swr.de [accessed on March 25, 2018]).
  2. Just one wrong word. Aydın Engin is one of 17 Cumhuriyet employees who are being tried in Turkey. The allegations against him and his colleagues are absurd. By Çiğdem Akyol , Die Zeit , July 23, 2017
  3. tagesschau.de: Turkey: The rule of law is falling apart. Retrieved on March 25, 2018 (German).