BK Tikader

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BK Tikader ( Benoy Krishna Tikader ; born June 1, 1928 in Joydihi , Upazila Mollahat , Bagerhat District , Khulna Division , British India , now Bangladesh ; died August 12, 1994 in Calcutta ) was an Indian arachnologist .

BK Tikader came from a poor background and grew up in a village in rural Bengal . There he only succeeded in completing his school education with great difficulty. He studied zoology at the University of Calcutta and was a lecturer for a short time after graduating.

In September 1956 he was hired as a zoologist at the Zoological Survey of India (ZSI), a government research organization under the supervision of the Indian Ministry of the Environment. Tikader devoted himself intensively to the research of arachnids , especially the Indian spider fauna . As part of his work, he carried out extensive research trips to all parts of the country. In 1962 he received a Ph.D. from the University of Calcutta for his work in the field of arachnology. Awarded a Doctor of Science (Sc.D.) in 1969 .

Tikader performed several management tasks within the ZSI. After heading the organization's first two regional research stations, the North Eastern Regional Station in Shillong , Meghalaya State and the Western Regional Station in Pune , Maharashtra , Tikader became head of the Zoological Survey of India in March 1981. During his tenure, the new ten-story headquarters of the ZSI in Calcutta, completed in 1987, was built . Tikader initiated the establishment of the Marine Aquarium and Research Center in Digha , West Bengal, which opened in 1989 .

Tikader wrote numerous initial descriptions of spiders and other scientific articles alone or with colleagues . In addition, he was the lead author of two volumes on spiders and one on scorpions in the Fauna of India series . His publications reached far beyond his actual area of ​​expertise. He wrote scientific and popular books, also in Bengali , on numerous elements of the Indian fauna and took a position on questions of nature conservation.

Dedication names (selection)

Some newly described animal species were named after BK Tikader:

Publications (selection)
