Babette Hoogendoorn

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Babette Hoogendoorn Squash player
Nationality: NetherlandsNetherlands Netherlands
Birthday: 1965
Resignation: 1991
Best placement: 11
Sources: official player profiles at PSA and Squashinfo (see web links )

Babette Hoogendoorn (* 1965 in The Hague ) is a former Dutch squash player .


Babette Hoogendoorn was active on the WSA World Tour in the 1980s and 1990s . She achieved her best placement in the world rankings with eleventh place. With the Dutch national team , she took part in the World Cup in 1985 , 1987 and 1989 , and she was also on the squad at European Championships several times . At World Championships in individual she was in the main field in 1987 and 1989 . In 1989 she achieved her best result in the second round. From 1984 to 1990 she was Dutch national champion six times in a row . In 1991 she ended her career after being suspended by the Dutch Federation. She made a comeback from the end of 1994 to May 1995 before finally ending her career with the national team after the 1995 European Championship . In 1998 she became the coach of the women's national team and temporarily also looked after the men's team.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b Babette Hoogendoorn. In: Retrieved July 5, 2018 (Dutch).
  2. ^ Nederlands Kampioenen. In: Retrieved July 5, 2018 (Dutch).
  3. a b Rob Pietersen: Hoogendoorn heeft zwart gat Dichtgegooid. In: Trouw , August 14, 1999, accessed July 5, 2018 (Dutch).