Bacon Peak

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Bacon Peak
Bacon Peak (right in the background) and Mount Shuksan (left in the background)

Bacon Peak (right in the background) and Mount Shuksan (left in the background)

height 2155  m (North American Vertical Date of 1988)
location Whatcom County , Washington , USA
Mountains Northern Cascade Range
Notch height 763 m
Coordinates 48 ° 39 '46 "  N , 121 ° 31' 14"  W Coordinates: 48 ° 39 '46 "  N , 121 ° 31' 14"  W.
Bacon Peak (Washington)
Bacon Peak
First ascent probably 1905 by RB Robertson and Eugene Logan

The Bacon Peak is a mountain in the Cascade Range in the State of Washington . Its glaciers cover a total of 3.2 square kilometers; the three main glaciers are Diobsud Creek Glacier (to the southeast with a width of 2.5 kilometers), the Green Lake Glacier (to the northeast with a width of 2.1 kilometers) and the Noisy Creek Glacier (to the northwest with a length of 1.4 kilometers).

Nearby peaks

  • Electric butte
  • Mount Watson
  • Logger Butte
  • Canadian bacon
  • Mount Despair

Individual evidence

  1. Bacon . National Geodetic Survey. Retrieved June 7, 2011.
  2. a b Fred Beckey: Cascade Alpine Guide: Rainy Pass to Fraser River . The Mountaineers Books, 2009, ISBN 978-1-59485-136-0 .

Web links