Balthasar Trischberger

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Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, Perchting

Balthasar Trischberger (also Drischberger , Trisperger ; born December 16, 1721 in Reichersbeuern ; † December 9, 1777 in Munich ) was a German builder of the Baroque era .

Born as the son of a schoolmaster and organist, Trischberger studied from 1740 to 1743 with the Munich court architect Ignaz Anton Gunetzrhainer . In 1760 he was married to become a master craftsman and from 1766–68 he was leader of the masons' guild and later Munich city mason master. Only a few of his own designs are known with certainty by Trischberger himself, most of his works are continuations or completion of works by other builders such as the Altomünster monastery church started by Johann Michael Fischer .
