Barbara Ruppel

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Barbara Ruppel (born February 18, 1937 in Frankfurt am Main ) is a German draftsman , painter and medalist .


Between 1958 and 1963 Barbara Ruppelt studied scientific drawing with Wilhelm Heise and painting with Erich Glette at the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich , while at the same time she learned how to cut medals from Otto Kallenbach . In 1963 she accepted the position as a scientific draftsman at the Institute for Animal Anatomy at the University of Munich , for which she designed her first medal in 1968.

After she devoted herself more and more to designing medals from 1970 onwards, in 1988 Ruppel took on a teaching position for natural science drawing and painting at her own former training location, the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich.

Barbara Ruppel participated with her own works in international medal exhibitions of the Fédération internationale de la médaille d'art (FIDEM); 1992 in London and 2002 in Paris .

Ruppel is a member of the Munich Medalists' Circle of Artists .

Works (selection)



  • The origin of the Elisabeth coin , in Rupert Graf Strachwitz , Toni Aigner (Ed.): Elisabeth von Thüringen. A woman of the 13th century and her impact (= Edition Andechs , Vol. 3), Kirchheim, Munich 2009, ISBN 978-3-87410-122-6 , pp. 61–64


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Barbara Ruppel on the website of the German Society for Medal Art
  2. The Munich Medalists' Circle , on the website of the Munich State Coin Collection.
  3. Announcement on the issue of German euro commemorative coins with a face value of 10 euros (commemorative coin "800th birthday of Elisabeth of Thuringia") of October 11, 2007 ( Federal Law Gazette 2007 I p. 2464 )
  4. 150 years of the discovery of the Archeopteryx, ( Federal Law Gazette 2011 I p. 1008 )