Barbara Weigand

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Barbara Weigand (born December 10, 1845 in Schippach ; † March 20, 1943 there ) was a Catholic mystic and prophetess .


Weigand was born as the third of eight children of a farming family in Schippach near Elsenfeld, part of the Würzburg diocese . Her father was mayor of the municipality for 15 years and died at the age of 55. Her mother was often sick and in bed several times over several weeks. Often times, Weigand and her siblings had to do heavy work to support the family. She held a certain leadership role among the siblings and also took care of the farm's financial affairs and the household. She attended an elementary school, where she acquired basic skills in reading, writing and arithmetic. She later got engaged; however, she did not get married because she felt more drawn to God and a priest advised her against marriage.

In 1873 she joined the 3rd Order of St. Francis the Capuchin in Aschaffenburg . For several years she walked five hours a week to receive Holy Communion in the Capuchin Church in Aschaffenburg . In 1885 she moved to Mainz because she was able to communicate daily in the church there. She visited her hometown Schippach several times and finally moved back here in 1924. The tombstone of “Msgr. Dr. Dr. Wilhelm Büttner ”(1885 to 1974), which reads that Büttner was pastor in Rück-Schippach and companion of Barbara Weigand from 1923 to 1932.

Barbara Weigand founded the organization of the Eucharistic League of Love with the aim of building a sacred church in Schippach. To this day, however, this church has not been built.

Weigand died in 1943 at the age of 97 and was buried in the Schippach cemetery. Her name, date of birth and date of death are written on the tombstone.


Weigand wrote a large number of writings, some in his own hand, some dictated. The contents of these scriptures are religious and are considered prophetic by some Christians . Most of their handwritten notes were copied because the originals were sent to church superiors or requested from them. These writings are now in the ordinariate files of Cologne and Mainz and at the Holy Office in Rome. In Würzburg there were also some of her writings, but they burned in 1945. Her best-known work is the Revelations to Barbara Weigand .

At the age of 50, at the instigation of her soul guide Ludwig O. Cap, Weigand wrote the 84-page autobiography Leben . In addition to her life story, these are reports of situations based on which she believed that she had received signs from God and Mary .

One of the revelations allegedly received from Jesus Christ on the feast of the Exaltation of the Cross in 1896 and distributed by her begins roughly as follows: "Look back, it is the time when Martin Luther split my church in two. From then on, Satan entered the World and wreaked havoc upon calamity [...]. "

Weigand also wrote about future events. She predicted that there would be many wars and revolutions in the future that would shake humanity. She also wrote that the church would not fare well and that many buildings would be destroyed, but that in the end the church would win.

Weigand's revelations, also known as the Schippacher Schriften , are very popular with some Christians . According to Barbara Weigand, these scriptures contain prophetic inspiration from the Mother of God . The Catholic Church regards her writings as private revelations .

Commemoration and aftermath

  • The Eucharistic Liebesbund , consisting of Barbara Weigand, Elisabeth Feiler and Luise Hannappel, had started to build what it called the Sacrament Church through a church building association founded in Schippach, but its construction was stopped during the First World War . In 1960, today's St. Pius Church was built over the foundation walls of this unfinished church.
  • In the church of St. Pius X. in Schippach, a memorial stone was set into a wall that commemorates the Often Communion and is flanked by two steles. The left carries a sculpture of the head of Barbara Weigand, the right a sculpture depicting the head of Pope Pius X.
  • In memory of Barbara Weigand, a stele was erected in the niche to the left of the altar in the Capuchin Church of St. Elisabeth in Aschaffenburg, which depicts the head of Barbara Weigand in cast metal in the same way as it can be seen in the Church of St. Pius in Schippach is.
  • Barbara Weigand's tombstone is located in the Schippach cemetery, on which the date of birth and death is noted.
  • In the Schippach cemetery there is also a memorial stone on a priest's grave with the following inscription: IN MEMORIAM Msgn. Dr. Dr. Wilhelm Büttner 1885 - 1974 pastor of Rück-Schippach 1923 - 1932 companion of Barbara Weigand.
  • In 1975 a process for the beatification of Barbara Weigand was initiated in Würzburg . For this purpose, 8,400 signatures from supporters were collected.
  • In her hometown Schippach, Barbara-Weigand-Strasse was named after her .


  • Revelations to Barbara Weigand in seven volumes, 2003.
  • Barbara Weigand in the judgment of bishops and priests in 2001.
  • Barbara Weigand von Schippach - A Life for God and His Kingdom 1978.


  • Felicitas D. Goodman: The Exorcism of Anneliese Michel . Garden City (NY): Doubleday, 1981, ISBN 0-385-15789-4 .
  • Claudia Schlager: Cult and War: Heart of Jesus - Sacré Coeur - Christ Rex in German-French comparison, 1914–1925 , Tübingen: Tübingen Association for Folklore, 2001 (= studies by the Ludwig Uhland Institute of the University of Tübingen, 109), ISBN 978-3-932512-67-4 , p. 290 ff.
  • Claudia Schlager: visionaries and seismographs. Excerpts from the trouvaille “Barbara Weigand” from Aby Warburg's war card file . In: Gottfried Korff (ed.), Box 117: Aby Warburg and the superstition in the First World War , Tübingen: Tübinger Vereinigung für Volkskunde, 2007 (= studies by the Ludwig-Uhland-Institut of the University of Tübingen, 105), ISBN 978-3- 932512-44-5 , pp. 215-244.
  • Gregor Weinbeer: Barbara Weigand von Rück-Schippach - a life from the middle of the church . In: Würzburger Diözesangeschichtsblätter 50 (1988), pp. 405-415.

Web links

Individual evidence

  3. My Life ( Memento from April 2, 2015 in the Internet Archive )
  5. a b cf. file number: Barbara Weigand - mystic and seer. April 13, 2014, accessed March 27, 2015 .